User Audit

This module allows to track all user's operations performed on data models such as create, read, write and delete. You can track every user's activity on all the objects of the system. You can group by audit logs with different dimensions like user, object & type. The log view contains details about each operation like date, record id, record object name, user name, type, old and new values of each modified field, etc.
- Easy to track all operations performed by users.
- Easy to manage operations like create, read, write and delete.
- Additional access rights groups added "User" and "Manager" for the audit log.
- Manager can see the user's audit log list, can clear all logs and they can create a new audit log.
- Users can view only the user audit log list.
- Operations performed by a user will automatically record in the logs list.
Select access rights groups "User" and "Manager" for the audit log.

Now go to the "User Audit" => Configuration and press the "Create" button so it opens the screen like below.

Now we create a new product.

So that operation will automatically record in the logs list.

The audit log form view looks like this.

Now we edit the product name.

So that operation will automatically record in the logs list with details like date, record id, record object name, user name, type, old and new values of each modified field, etc.

Now we delete the product.

So that operation will automatically record in the logs list.

You can group by audit logs by the user.

You can group by audit logs by the object.

You can group by audit logs by the type.

The manager can delete all logs by the "Clear Log" menu.

After press on the "Clear Log" menu, this popup opens, you can clear all log as well selected logs, click "Add a line" to select a model.

After clicking on the "Add a line", this wizard opens, Choose a model which you want to clear.

You can clear the log based on type.

Log type: Read logs are deleted,

You can clear all log as well selected logs by enabling "All Log".

All logs are deleted!

Version 13.0.1 | Released on : 20 April 2021
- Initial Release.
- Please Contact Us at sales@softhealer.comto request customization.
- Yes, we provide free support for 90 days.