Separate Quotation No.
Currently in odoo for quotation and sales order one sequence no managed. so it's difficult to identify quotation or sale order based on sequence number generated. so our module help to overcome this issue this module will help you to manage both sequences separatly.
So you will be easy to filter both as well.
Another thing we have done in this module, default odoo when we click on quotation menu it was showing all orders without filtering specific quotation orders. so we have made this quotation menu only show you quotation state list instead of quotation plus sale order list.
After confirm to sale order still you will be having reference of quotation in other info tab. so you can track that as well.
Separate Quotation No.
Quotation menu show only quotations instead of all orders.
Quotation and Sale order Reports also changed accordingly this.
Easy to track quotation no after confirm to sale order. Also added quotation no. info in sale order report.
For Sales Quotation that is in "Quotation" or "Quotation Sent" stage new sequence generated having prefix 'SQ'.
When we print sales quotation there mentioned new sales quotation number.
Sales quotation list view shows only order that are in quotation stage.
For Sales Order that is Confirmed stage new sequence generated having prefix 'SO', and quotation number that was previously generated is shown in "Other Information" tab.
When we print sales order there mentioned sales order number as well sales quotation number.
In Sales order list view shows quotation number as well as order number.
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