Sales Details Report

Do you want to access detailed information about sales, such as which products were sold, the quantity sold, the payment methods used, the tax amount, and tax details? Our app can assist you in obtaining all this information effortlessly. You only need to specify the date range, and if desired, select optional filters like status and channels. You'll receive a comprehensive sales report, providing more insights than just the total sales orders. Cheers!

- You can generate the report for a specific date and time.
- Generate a report for a single company as well as multiple companies.
- Multi-Company Users can print a report of more than one company assigned to the user.
- Single Company Users are only allowed to print their own company reports.
- You can view the report directly from the wizard.
- You can print the report in PDF as well as Excel format.
- You can filter the report by sales channels.
- You can filter the report by order state.
- From the reports, you can easily access payment and tax information.
- You can easily view sales by different product lists.
Go to the user and enable the 'Sale Details Report' feature.

Go to reporting and click on 'Sale Details Report'.

Enter date and time to get a report between a particular date and time.

Generate a PDF report based on the given date and time.

Enter the date and time to get an Excel report between a particular date and time.

An Excel report based on the given date and time will look like this.

In the PDF/Excel report wizard, you can view the report.

Sales Details Report List View.

In the report view, you can group the report.

Version 18.0.1 | Released on : 3rd September 2024
- Yes, this app works perfectly with Odoo Enterprise (Odoo.sh & On-Premise) as well as Community.
- No, this application is not compatible with odoo.com(odoo saas/Odoo Online).
- Please Contact Us at [email protected] to request customization.
- Yes, you will get free update for lifetime.
- No, you don't need to install addition libraries.
- For version 12 or upper, you will need to purchase the module for each version that you want to use.
- Yes, we provide free support for 100 days.
- No, We do not provide any kind of exchange.