Do you want to get detailed information about sales like which products sold? how many qty sold? Did payment get by which methods? what is the tax amount? tax details? so our app will help you to get all this information very easily. you need to enter from date to date and you can select optional things if you want, status and channels. you will find a detailed report with sales information. this app will help you to get more information apart from the total sale order. Cheers!
You can view the report directly from the wizard. New
You can generate the report for a specific date-time. New
Generate Report For Single Company as well as Multi-Companies.
Multi-Company User can print a report of more than one company which assigned to the user.
Single Company User only allowed to print his/her own company report.
Sales Details Report provides you sales analysis by specific time period.
You can print report in Pdf as well as excel report.
You can filter report by sales channels.
You can filter report by order state wise.
From reports you can easily get payment and taxes informations.
You can easily get sales by different products list.
- New View Button Added In Report Wizard.
- Fixed Minor Bug fixed.
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed
- New Date-Time Filter Added
- Initial Release
V 14.0.5
Go to the "Reporting" menu.
PDF/Excel report wizard, we view the report.
Report view, you can group by the report.
V 14.0.2
Enter date and time to get report between particular date-time.
PDF report based on given date-time.
Excel report based on given date-time.