Sale Order Template Product - Combo Products Packages This module useful to define multiple products in one custom template and load all products on a single click in the purchase order. How exactly it works, First need to create a custom product template and add a different kind of products in that, you need to select that template in the sale order and auto all related products of that template will be added in the sale order line. you have done! it will make your effort very less otherwise you need to add that all products one by one in the sale order line. Another thing is you can add products to a special price discount. so it makes this function more beautiful. Product Template is like product bundles or combo packs – extension for creating configurable product packages: With Bundles, you can quickly build complex products or create simple discount combos by mixing simple and variable products. It's very easy to configure, fast forward in the sales process.
Easy to define multiple products in one template.
Very useful where multip products sales more.
The fast sales process for combo products as no need to add the individual in sale order lines.
- New Tax, Sub Total & Total Field Added In Custom Product Template.
- Initial Release
Create template and choose your product and set price, description, order quantity, unit price, discount, tax and UOM as per requirement. Product template that are set "Active", available in "Sales".

Choose product template that set to "Active", Products from selected "Active Template" are added in sales order line.