Sale Order Line Description Ellipsis

Currently, if you have a long product description in the sale order line then it covers the full screen with a description and it's difficult to read all products properly in sale order, This module provides the product's sale description with an ellipsis on the quotation/ sale order lines. So description field data trimmed and replaced with ellipsis and provide full content when you tap on a mouse button.
- Using ellipsis, You can manage large content on the description field.
- Easy to see all sale order lines products without scrolling lot.
- No special configuration required, install it, use it.
Long product description in the sale order line with ellips.

You can see full content when you click on that.

You can see full content in edit mode also.

Version 14.0.1 | Released on : 12 July 2021
- Initial Release.
- Please Contact Us at [email protected]to request customization.
- Yes, we provide free support for 90 days.