Quality Control Advance - Manufacturing, Work-Order

Currently, in odoo, there are no options for 'Quality Control'. So, don't worry about that. Here we build a module that will help you to manage the quality of your products. Nowadays in the majority of businesses have Manufacturing, importing, exporting products. So you can receive goods(products) via transportation. Transportation increases the likelihood of goods being damaged. That's why you need to check product quality while you receiving or delivering products. Good quality control helps companies meet consumer demand with better products. This module will help you to analyze data of product quality checks.
Hot Features


- There are two security groups for Quality Control 1. Manager 2. User
- Fully functional dashboard.
- Easy to set the team to manage a particular type of product.
- Easy to analyze product quality data using pivot and pdf reports.
- Easy to define the maximum number of quality checking. If you set '0' it means that the product quality checking has no limit.
- Set Quality Control mandatory for a particular product in a single click.
- Easy to create a quality point for required products.
- Easy to create quality alert stages with approver.
- There are 4 different types of quality control...
- 1. Text: The quality controller will have to add a description(text) about product quality control.
- 2. Measurement: The quality controller will have to add the measurements as product quality.
- 3. Pass and Fail: The quality controller will have to just select the product quality that is passed or failed.
- 4. Take a Picture: The quality controller will have to add the pictures which represent the quality of the product.
- There are different alert messages after quality check like...
- 1. Product Quality Control Passed.
- 2. Product Quality Control Failed.
- 3. Product Quality Control Still Pending.
- Easy to do quality checking globally in operation form view. Also, you can perform quality checks manually from the operation line.
- This is user friendly. Users can access Pending QC, Passed QC, Partially Passed QC, Failed QC in a separate menu.
- Here you have pivot report for 'Quality Check' and 'Quality Alerts' for Manufacturing and Work Order.
- Easy to print PDF report of 'Quality Check' with different filters like product-wise, group by with picking the type, products, and with status also.
- Easy to print PDF report of 'Quality Alerts' with different filters like product-wise, responsible person, and stages.
User Config Setting: There are two different user config settings for
1. Manager 2. User.

Quality Control Dashboard.

"Quality Team" Menu and Tree View.

"Quality Team" Form View. Where you can define team members.

Quality Alert Stages Menu and Tree View.

Quality Alert Stages Form View. Here you can define different stages of quality control with the responsible person and company also.

Quality Alert Tags Menu and Tree View.

Quality Alert Tags Form View.

"Quality Points" Menu and Tree View.

Make QC point for the multiple products and multiple operations.If qc is mandatory then check right QC Mandatory box. Assign QC team here.

\ After Manufacturing order in in progress stage Quality check and Quality Alert button invisible.

In work-order 'Done' button is invisible until the QC is not done.

Click on external link button, here you can see the quality check and quality alerts visible for workorder

After click on quality check, Quality control wizard open and add quality measurements here.

Another quality control wizard open on click 'Next' button because we set maximum 2 quality test allowed.

Once quality check done, you can see the done button visible in work order.

Once Workorder quality check done you can see the Quality check and Quality Alert button visible in manufacturing order.

Just check the quality of manufacturing orders.

Just check the quality of manufacturing orders.

Once quality check done, you can see the done button in manufacturing order.

Here users have buttons for 'Quality Alert' and one tab also.

This is the 'Quality Alert' popup. Where you can see a list of all products and names of the responsible person, and priority.

MRP Quality Alert Menu and Tree View. Where you can see the list of MRP's quality alerted.

MRP Qulaity Alert Form View.

MRP Pending QC Menu and Tree View.

MRP Failed QC Menu and Tree View.

MRP Passed QC Menu and Tree View.

MRP Quality Check Menu and Tree View.

MRP Quality Check Form View.

MRP Quality Check Analysis Report View.

MRP Quality Alert Analysis Report View.

'Quality Check Report' for pdf report.

After click on 'Quality Check Report' this wizard will popup, select group by the operation and status both.

Quality Check PDF report with group by operation.

'Quality Check PDF Report' group by product and status pass.

Quality Check PDF Report group by product.

MRP Quality Alert PDF Report Action.

After click on 'Quality Alert Report' this wizard popup where you can filter and group by the report as per your requirements.

'Quality Alert PDF Report'.

Version 17.0.1 | Released on : 4th December 2023
- Yes, this app works perfectly with Odoo Enterprise (Odoo.sh & Premise) as well as Community.
- No, this application is not compatible with odoo.com(odoo saas).
- Please Contact Us at [email protected]to request customization.
- Yes, we provide free support for 100 days.
- You can set only a single quality point per product.
- Yes, you will get free update for lifetime.
- No, you don't need to install addition libraries.
- Yes, You have to download module for each version (13,14,15) except in version 12 or lower.
- No, We do not provide any kind of exchange.