Purchase Dynamic Approval

This module allows you to set dynamic and multi-level approvals in the request for quotation/purchase order so each order can be approved by many levels. Purchase orders can be approved based on untaxed/ total amount and approved by particular users or groups they get emails notification about orders that waiting for approval. When a purchase order/RFQ approves or rejects user gets a notification about it.
Hot Features


- You can set dynamic approvals on request for quotation/purchase order.
- You can set different approvals on different orders.
- PO/RFQ can approve based on untaxed/ total amount.
- PO/RFQ can be approved by a particular user or group.
- Users get a notification when the purchase order/RFQ approves or rejects.
- You can create a flexible approval process.

- You have to disable the odoo feature "Purchase Order Approval" When you install this module otherwise conflicts both.
You have to define the minimum amount based on tax amount or without tax amount.

Approval configuration menu.

Approval Configuration: Setup approval levels based on minimum amount and users level. Also select companies.

Approved Process By, there are two types 1. User , 2. Group. Userwise means to define that person who approved the purchase order, in this wizard select the user.

Approve type 2. Group that means only specific groups users will give approval.

User submits RFQ for approval by pressing the ‘Confirm Order’ button. so that RFQ will automatically set the ‘Waiting for Approval’ stage. Auto fetch Approval Level based on configured approvals setup and minimum limit.

After confirmed by the user, Auto set next level approvers in the Approval Info tab. If next approval is required.

Email notification sent to approvers for approval RFQ.

There are two menus for
1. My Approval: Only access those RFQs which are assigned to
2. Waiting Approval: user can access own RFQ which is in Waiting for Approval and
Approved stage.

Approval Flow
There are 2 approvers the first approver approves the RFQ.

After approved by the approved person, Auto set the next level approvers in the Approval Info tab. If next approval is required.

Email notification sent to approvers for approval RFQ.

Now the second approver approves the RFQ.

So purchase order created.

Email notification sent to approvers for approval RFQ.

Rejection Flow
There are 2 approvers If the first approver rejects the RFQ that means that RFQ will be canceled no more second approver is needed.

After click on the ‘Reject’ button, this wizard will pop up, here the approver has to add a reason for rejecting the RFQ.

After rejection, it auto set the rejection information in the "Reject Order Info".

Email notification of rejection looks like this.

Version 16.0.3 | Released on : 18thOctomber 2024
Version 16.0.2 | Released on : 6thDecember 2022
Version 16.0.1 | Released on : 18thNovember 2022
- No, this application is not compatible with odoo.com(odoo saas).
- Yes, this app works perfectly with Odoo Enterprise (Odoo.sh & Premise) as well as Community.
- Please Contact Us at [email protected]to request customization.
- Yes, we provide free support for 100 days.
- Yes, you will get free update for lifetime.
- No, you don't need to install additional libraries.
- For version 12 or upper, you will need to purchase the module for each version that you want to use.
- No, We do not provide any kind of exchange.