Point Of Sale Product Multi Barcode

Currently, odoo allows a single barcode for product and product variants but sometimes we have to manage multiple barcodes for one product. "Point Of Sale Product Multi Barcode" module helps you to set up multiple barcodes for a single product or product variant in the POS Odoo. You no need to select a product and do one by one. When you scan the different barcodes for the same product then product quantity update in the cart. It generates an alert for the unknown barcode. cheers!
- You can manage multiple barcodes for a single product in POS.
- Easy to add products in the point of sale by barcode scanner.
- Generates an alert popup for wrong/unknown barcode.
- Barcodes eliminate the possibility of human error.
- It reduces human efforts.
- This module saves your important time.
"Enable Multi Barcode" group.

You can search product by multi barcode.

Scan product barcode and that product added to the cart.

Scan different barcodes of the same product and that product quantity updated.

It generates an alert message for the unknown or wrong barcode.

Version 12.0.2 | Released on : 24th November 2021
- New Configuration Added For Product Search By Multi Barcode
- New Configuration Added For Scan Multi Barcode
Version 12.0.1 | Released on : 8 December 2020
- Initial Release.
- Yes, this app works perfectly with Odoo Enterprise as well as Community.
- Yes, this app works perfectly when pos offline.
- Please Contact Us at [email protected]to request customization.
- Yes, we provide free upgrades as well as free support for 90 days.