POS Payment Method Restriction

Do you want to restrict the payment method in POS? This module restricts payment methods for specific users. You can restrict payment methods from particular payment methods or from particular users. So only allowed payment methods can be accessed by users.
Hot Features
- Easy to restrict the payment methods for specific users in point of sale.
- You can restrict payment methods from a particular method or from a particular user.
- You can restrict different payment methods for different users.
- No special configuration is required just install it and cheers!
- This module saves your important time.
Go to configuration => payment methods.

If you tick the "Is Public" tickbox then it will visible for all users.

If you do not tick the "Is Public" tickbox then you have to choose users which can access this payment method.

You can configure payment method from the particular user.

In the payment screen, only public payment methods and user-specific payment methods will visible.

Version 14.0.1 | Released on : 2 September 2021
- Initial Release.
- Please Contact Us at [email protected]to request customization.
- Yes, This application is compatible with pos offline features.
- Yes, we provide free support for 90 days.