Point Of Sale Own Products

Sometimes it necessary that salesperson can see their products only. Our module will help to show only specific products to the salesperson in the point of sale. You can assign a salesperson to a particular product so that salesperson only can see the product and its variants. You can assign multiple salesperson for one product.
Related Modules
Salesperson Own Products Related
- Salesperson can access only specific products in the point of sale.
- You can display specific products and product variants to specific salespersons.
- You can assign a mass salesperson to a single product.
- Easy to install and use it, no more configuration required.
Tick the "Enable Own Product" group.

We assign a mass salesperson to a single product/product variant.

We assign the salesperson rights of sales "User".

So salesperson can access only assigned products in the point of sale.

Version 12.0.1 | Released on : 14 June 2021
- Initial Release.
- Please Contact Us at [email protected]to request customization.
- Yes, This application compatiable with pos offline features.
- Yes, we provide free support for 90 days.