This module is useful to show picking operation lines and other information related to it. You can easily track lines of picking, you can filter by many things like product, picking type, etc. By using our module you will find all the lines as one place, so it will be easy to find any specific line. This warehouse gives additional options for analyzing, speeding up the process, checking various statuses, etc to a user. suppose you want to go in different picking orders and you want to check the products individually, so you can do that by using our model. This small module will give ultra power to your warehouse user. Cheers!
Very useful to track records of picking order line of stock which has many operation lines.
Easy to filter operation line date, receptions, deliveries, manufacturing, ready, todo, incoming, outgoing.
Easy to group by operation line like the product, picking, status, data, picking type, picking operations, etc.
- Initial Release
Operations Line menu and tree view.

Operations Line filter.

Operations Line Group By.

Detailed Operations Line menu and tree view.

Detailed Operations Line filter.

Detailed Operations Line Group By.