Partner Attendance Kiosk
"Partner Attendance Kiosk" module takes attendance of the partner (customer/ vendor/ contact/ supplier/ client) quickly. We have made a unique attendance module that will enhance odoo features. You can Check-In & Check-Out partners using badges, PIN, or manually. This module provides feature to create a partner at Check-In & Check-Out time. The partner can print their badges also. We provide a touch screen keyboard for a touch screen device. You can track attendance using filter and group by option. This system can be used for visitor management purpose also.
Hot Features
- You can take attendance of partner (customer/ vendor/ contact/ supplier/ client) using badges, PIN, or manually.
- You can create a partner at Check-In & Check-Out time.
- We provide a touch screen keyboard option also.
- Partners can print their badges.
- You can filter & group by partner's attendance.
- You can see attendance at kanban view, graph view & pivot view.
Go to "Users" and tick the "Manage Partner Attendances" group to manage partner attendance. If you want to use the PIN at check-in & check-out then tick the "Enable PIN use" group.
Partner attendance list view.
Go to partner attendance => configuration, tick "Show Keyboard" to enable touch screen keyboard.
You can filter attendance by these options.
You can group by attendance with these options.
Go to partner attendance => kiosk mode to open kiosk mode screen, Click on "Select Partners" to select partners for check-in & check-out.
It opens the partner's kanban view.
After selecting the partner this screen opens.
Check-in is done.
Partner attendance list view.
Now we open kiosk mode and select partner.
We select the partner that already check-in.
It opens the check-out screen.
Check-out is done.
Now we create a new partner in kiosk mode.
This form opens, but if you have not selected PIN tickbox then here PIN option not shows, We have selected touch keyboard so that display here.
Check-in is done.
Now we recreate a new partner in kiosk mode.
It shows alert if any field is empty, if you have selected PIN tickbox then here PIN field shows.
It shows alert because the PIN field is empty.
Fill all the details.
Check-in is done.
Partner attendance list view.
Now we open kiosk mode and select partner.
We select the partner that already check-in.
It opens the check-out screen and asks PIN for that because we have set the PIN for check-in & check-out.
It shows alert if you enter the wrong PIN or empty.
Check-out is done.
Partner attendance list view.
Partners kanban view.
You can generate a badge or set PIN from here.
Select print badge to print that.
Badge print looks like this.
Attendance kanban view.
Attendance graph view.
Attendance pivot view.
Version 18.0.1 | Released on : 28th October 2024
- Yes, this app works perfectly with Odoo Enterprise ( & Premise) as well as Community.
- No, this application is not compatible with saas).
- Please Contact Us at [email protected]to request customization.
- Yes, we provide free support for 100 days.
- Yes, you will get free update for lifetime.
- No, you don't need to install addition libraries.
- Yes, You have to download module for each version (13,14,15) except in version 12 or lower.
- No, We do not provide any kind of exchange.