Law Management System

Do you want the "Law ERP"
system in odoo? Do you
want to manage all "Law
Matters" from a single
system? In today's
competition, you need a
"Law ERP" system to track
every step of the
case/matter quickly. So
we have made a "Law ERP
Management" system that
provides the full
lifecycle of laws. You
can manage every matter
with end to end law
process. Using this
module you can handle
every type of law
matters. "Law ERP"
- Client Requests,
- Manage Matters,
- Manage Customers,
- Law Practice
- Evidence management,
- Trial Management,
- Lawyer Information,
- Opposition Lawyers and
Parties Details,
- Judge
- Act/Article
- Victim Information,
- Courts,
- Invoice
- Case/Matter PDF Report.
Hot Features


- You can manage multi lawyer in one matter.
- There are two different security groups, one for the manager and the other for the users.
- Track case/matter with stages easily.
- The client can request for law case and if the client approved by admin then it becomes a customer.
- Easy to make lawyers from employees. In the employee view, you have to just enable the option 'Is lawyer' and define wages arrangements by lawyers.
- Easy to manage client requests by stages.
- Easy to manage matters with the trial, invoice & evidence.
- You can keep track of every trial-related matter with stages.
- You can keep track of every evidence with favor and full details & documents related matter.
- Users can create and configure the "Law Practice Area".
- You can keep the lawyer information, judge information, victim information & opposition lawyer information.
- Easy to manage "Act/Article" with name, type, number & description.
Invoice management:
Invoice managed by 3
1) By Trial - You can create an invoice based on trial numbers.
2) By Cash- You can create an invoice based on fixed types of matter.
3) By Hour: You can create an invoice based on working hours. - You can print a PDF report of any case/matter with details.
- The "Law ERP" system improves work efficiency.
- No special configuration required, install it, use it.
- This module saves your important time.
- It reduces human efforts.
We have made 2 access groups for the 'Law ERP' system, 1) User & 2) Manager.

After creating user, create employee & related user.

In the employee 'Lawyer' tab where you can define 'Is Lawyer', Lawer Wages in 3 different ways and his practice area.

Users can create and configure 'Law Practice Area'.

You can create a court from the configuration.

You can create and configure the judge with a contact number.

You can create and configure the victims with a contact number.

You can manage 'Acts/Articles' from the configuration menu.

You can create 'Act/Article' with name, type, number & description.

You can create favor which used in evidence from the configuration menu.

You can create and configure matter type.

You can create and configure a matter category.

You can create and configure the opposite party with a contact number.

You can create and configure the opposite lawyer with a contact number.

Client request list view with name, contact number & email.

The client request form view looks like this After approved that request new customer will be created.

The customer kanban view looks like below.

The customer form view with the sales, matter, trial, invoice, evidence & client request.

You can create and see lawyers under the 'Lawyers' menu.

You can create and see evidence under the 'Evidence' menu.

The 'Evidence' form view with the matter, client, attachments & in favor.

You can create and see trials under the 'Trial' menu.

The 'Trial' form view, you can reopen a closed trial from the 'Reopen' button.

You can create and see matter under the 'Matter' menu.

The 'Matter' from view with detail of evidence, trial & invoice. You can create evidence, trial & invoice also from here. You can print the matter report from the 'Print' button.

The printed PDF report of case/matter with full details, You can print PDF report from the 'Print ==> Print Matter'.

After press on the 'Invoice' button, this wizard opens, select details and press the 'Create Invoice' button.

After that, you have to choose a payment option,
1) By Trial - You can create an invoice based on trial numbers.
2) By Cash- You can create an invoice based on fixed types of matter.
3) By Hour: You can create an invoice based on working hours.

Amount per trial form view with total trial details.

Multi Lawyer In One Matter
Select multiple lawyer in one matter.

Trials with multiple lawyer.

Invoice of multiple lawyer.

Matter report with multiple lawyer.

Version 17.0.3 | Released on : 24th September 2024
Version 17.0.2 | Released on : 23rd January 2024
Version 17.0.1 | Released on : 9th November 2023
- Yes, this app works perfectly with Odoo Enterprise (Odoo.sh & Premise) as well as Community.
- No, this application is not compatible with odoo.com(odoo saas).
- Please Contact Us at [email protected]to request customization.
- Yes, we provide free support for 100 days.
- Yes, you will get free update for lifetime.
- No, you don't need to install addition libraries.
- Yes, You have to download module for each version (13,14,15) except in version 12 or lower.
- No, We do not provide any kind of exchange.