You can make a recurring order for your regular customers using this module. For example, a consumer could set up an order to have particular goods in every three months. you can make recurring orders using this module would let this invoice happen automatically on a regular schedule. You can also make recurring orders manually from recurring orders. You can set the scheduled time.
Easy to make recurring orders.
Also, make recurring orders manually.
Easy to set an Interval date for automatically make invoices after the interval is over.
Easy to set recurring due time in day/week/month/year. After due time over that recurring order, you can set the stage in renew or expire.
Easy to know the ending date of recurring after set recurring due time in day/week/month/year.
Easy to set schedule time to execute them all recurring orders scheduled.
Easy to filter recurring order list with Active, Inactive, New, Running, To Renew, Expired, Cancel, Start/End Date.
Easy to group by the list of recurring orders using customer, start date, end date and also status.
No special configuration required just install it and cheers!
This module saves your important time.
It reduces human efforts.
- Initial Release
Invoice Recurring Order Tree view.

Invoice Recurring Order Filter.

Invoice Recurring Order Group By.

Invoice Recurring Order Form View.

Invoice lines created from recurring order looks like below.

Recurring order and order date field in invoice.

Invoice Recurring Order Cron.