Disable Quotation/Sale Order Online Viewing Button In Email
This module hides/disables the view quotation/sale order button from the email. We provide feature to display quotation or sales order button to some selected customers as well.
- Easy to hide view quotation/sale order button from email.
- You can shows the view quotation/sale order button to some special customers only.
- You can enable/disable button from the list view.
- You can mass enable/disable button.
- This module saves your important time.
Enable "Hide Online Viewing Button For Quotation/Sale Orders".
So it hides the button.
You can shows the view quotation/sale order button to some special customers.
So that customer can see the button.
You can enable/disable button from the list view.
You can filter enable/disable sale order button.
Version 17.0.1 | Released on : 11th November 2023
- Yes, this app works perfectly with Odoo Enterprise (Odoo.sh & Premise) as well as Community.
- No, this application is not compatible with odoo.com(odoo saas).
- Please Contact Us at [email protected]to request customization.
- Yes, we provide free support for 100 days.
- Yes, you will get free update for lifetime.
- No, you don't need to install addition libraries.
- Yes, You have to download module for each version (13,14,15) except in version 12 or lower.
- No, We do not provide any kind of exchange.