Light Weighted
Fully Configurable
Dozens of Features
Elegant Design
All Themes
Fully Responsive
The Backmate-Basic (Enterprise Edition) theme has been made with Bootstrap-4 and JS, which makes it a lot lighter than the other themes.

Crescent Design With Astonishing Animations
Here in this update we provide new well crafted drawer with amazing desinged all elements with stunning animations.
Open Record In New Tab
This functionality allows you to simultaneously view multiple orders in a new tab. With this feature, there's no requirement to open each order separately to access order details. Instead, you can conveniently review the selected orders details all at once directly from the orders list view.
Show Attachments In List View
This feature enables you to view order attachments directly within the list view. Using this feature, no need to open individual order records to view the attachments. Now you can easily review attachments that are attached with orders from the list view.
Group By List View Expand/Collapse
We have designed a tree view with an Expand/Collapse feature. This feature enables the expand/collapse functionality in the group by list view.
You will get the dynamic well crafted drawer design. Here in drawer you will get dynamic search bar and also you pin your recent used apps.
Elegant Tree View
Here you have truly designed tree view with eye caching animation. We craft tree view with bootstrap. That make you feel more light.
Estonishing Form View
Here we provide different form elements style. You have 8 different form element styles. That will help to improve your erp looks.
Animated Kanban View
We craft kanban view with bootstrap. That will enhance your erp looks. In this crescent theme style you will get fully designed kanban view.
Modern Chatter Style
Chatter is most workable space in erp. Here we craft odoo standard chatter style into modern style with the help of bootstrap.
Crescent Calendar View
We craft calendar view with bootstrap. That will enhance your erp looks. In this crescent theme style you will get fully designed calendar view.

App Icons
Here in this update you will get 5 different well crafted standard app icons.

Hot Features
Key Features
Scroll Bar Style
Here in this theme you have 5 different and exclusive scrollbar styes. Easy to select and that's it. These styles applied to everywhere in odoo.

Check Box Style
Now you can change the checkbox styles. Here you have 4 amazing checkbox styles which helps to improve your ERP looks.

Radio Buttons Styles
Now you can change the radio button styles. Here you have 4 amazing radio button styles which helps to improve your ERP looks.

Refresh Button
with this feature, You can refresh the view (kanban, form, list, calendar, ...) instead of the entire browser. It will saves your time.
Language Selector
Odoo have one beautiful features is multi language. But some time it is hard to change the language in single click. Using this feature you can change language in single click. (Ensure that the language you wish to use are enabled).
Multi Tab
Using this feature you can work in multi models at browser's single tab. To create new tab - Just click menu with shift key (shift + mouse primary click). Also you can remove tab by click on 'X' mark.
The PWA (progressive web application) backend/frontend works like a normal application on the mobile. You can adjust the custom style as your requirement. You get a combination of a native app with the website.
Watch Video

Zoom In - Zoom Out
Here you have one beautiful utility that is zoom page. You can zoom in /zoom out odoo main page like form view, tree view etc...

Brand Color
You can easily set your business brand color in your erp using this feature. Primary color is your brand color, also you can set secondary color hover color etc...

Other Themes
We make different themes, which is higly configurable and it comes with premium looks and feels. You can configure theme style as per your choice with available styles.

Loading GIF
Here in this theme you have an option to change loader gif. Here we provide more then 10 well crafted loader gif styles. You have to just select the style from the list and that's it.

Enterprise Look
This theme style change your erp look like enterprise. Here we provides enterprise theme look with various configuration. Just make it yours.
Global Search
A global search used to search any object based on the configuration from this search view as well as from the search menu. The "Global Search" is visible to all odoo users.

Night Mode
Here we provide beautiful and well designed night mode. The night mode will provide comfort to work at night. Night mode uses reduce your eye strain and give relaxation.

RTL change the view of erp to Right to Left. Here we provides RTL support. That is more easy for the RTL(Right-to-Left) language users.

Sticky features help to freeze list view header , chatter's header and form view action buttons. That make more easy to identify the colomn name.
Key Features

To Do List Feature
The "To Do" feature helps to make a list of pending work so you can easily manage all tasks. Once you create you can edit and remove that created "To Do". You can drag & drop the "To Do" list sequence. When your "To Do" is done you can tick it so that move to the last and if you untick then it comes at first in the list.

Quick Bookmark
Here we introduce the new feature "Quick Bookmark". Using this feature you can bookmark menu and record as well. Bookmark feature will work from the user's perspective. You can also search bookmarked menus and records (*Search option will display, after adding some records).

Web Notification
Here in this theme, you have another amazing utility is 'Web Notification'. Using this feature you can create announcement for your selected users. Here you have two types notification one popup and another like notice board .

Here in this theme, you have amazing utility is calculator.Easy to enable or disable this utility as per users.

Full Size Form View
Here in this theme new feature 'Full size form view' added. Using this feature you can enable form view width in full size as compatible with your screen width. Easy to enable disable this feature from user preferences.

Web Push Notification (Firebase)
Here in this theme, you get an amazing feature 'Web Push Notification' (Firebase). Using this feature you can send a notification to your all users like portal, internal and public as well. Just config - create and send that's it.

Breadcrumbs Styles
Now you can change the breadcrumbs styles. Here you have 7 amazing breadcrumbs style which helps to improve your ERP looks.

Tab Styles [Desktop/Mobile]
Here in this theme, you have 2 tab styles Horizontal and Vertical for desktop, and each one has 8 amazing styles. Also you can define different tab style for desktop and mobile. So that will helps to improve your ERP Looks.

Form Styles
Now you can change the form view style with 8 impressive form elements styles. That means you can easily craft your themes style. Watch video tutorial for more info.

Chatter Style
Here in this theme, you can easily adjust chatter position. If you have large resolution screen (Resolution more than 1550px) so you can use chatter position 'Sided/Normal'.Currently in enterprise edition chatter position is sided when screen size is larger.
Go to the preference and enable 'Open Record In New Tab'.

After enabaling this option, the 'Click' button is visible in the tree view of the quotations.

Select the quotations which you want to see and click on the 'Open records in new tab' option from action.

The quotations is open in new tab.

Goto the preference and enable 'show attachment in list view'. After enable this, open the sale order/quotation.

You can see the attachments in list view.

Enable 'Group By List view Expand/Collapse'.

Pipeline list view.

You can see the list view is group by country wise.

Expand/Collapse list view group by country wise.

Font Icon Style Configuration

Regular Font Icon Style

Light Font Icon Style

Thin Font Icon Style

Now you can change the predefined list view styles with 5 impressive styles. That means you can easily craft your themes style.

Here, in this theme you can configure your recent apps in drawer. for pinned recent apps just click on plus(+) icon and click on yellow marked pin icon and click again on plus(+) icon to save your changes.
Now you can change the app icon style with 5 impressive styles. That means you can easily craft your themes style.

Dual tone icon color configuration for 2 colors.

Discuss Chatter Style 1.

Discuss Chatter Style 2.

Discuss Chatter Style 3.

Discuss chatter with background image.

Just enable the "Multi Tab".

How it works?

How it works?

Just enable the "Zoom View".

How it works?

Just enable the "To Do Feature".

How it works?

Just enable quick menu mode in the user preference. After that, you can see the icon in the top bar.

Here you can do a bookmark record as well. Also, you can search bookmarked menu and record when you have more records.

You can search bookmarked menu and record. You can do the bookmark menu by double click on the bookmark icon. You can see the list of bookmarked records with one click on the bookmark icon.

How it will work.

Just enable calculator in to the user preference. After that you can see the icon in to the topbar.

How it will work.

Just enable the full screen in to the user preference. After that you can see the icon in to the topbar.

How it will work.

Enable the "Global Search Mode" from the user preference.

Enable the "Global Search Mode" from the settings.

How global search menu works.

Enable the "Show Global Search Configuration" group.

We can configure object for global search from here.

Select object/model, name field, model fields. For one to many fields, you can configure from the smart button.

First you have to enable option for the language selector. Just goto the preference and enable 'Enable Language Selector'.

How it will work.

First you have to enable option for the night mode. Just goto the preference and enable 'Night Mode'. After enable night mode you can see the 'moon' icon on the action bar.

Apps View

Calender view.

Kanban view.

Graph view.

Kanban view.

Sales Dashboard view.

CRM pipeline view.

Pivot view.

Goto theme setting and select your loading style. there are 12 different well crafted styles available.

How it looks.

Here in this theme new feature 'Full size form view' added. Using this feature you can enable form view width in full size as compatible with your screen width. Easy to enable disable this feature from user preferences.
Goto user preferences and enable this feature.

After enable feature you can see this icon in form view. Just click on it.

Full Sized Form View.

Here in this theme you have another feature added is Web push notification. Using this feature you can send firebase notification to your all users like public, internal and portal. Here you have selection to select a specific user type and go for it.
Goto user setting and select firebase push notification user.

Now goto general setting and enable 'Web Push Notification' and fills the creadentials.

Send Notification Tree View.

Create a push notification and select an appropriate user type or all users and click validate.

Make sure your all user have to allow 'Show Notification' otherwise its not appear.

This is how notification looks

Goto user Preference

Enable One Click Form Edit Feture

Goto Theme Setting and select breadcrumbs style.

Here in this theme you have another feature added is Web Notification. Using this feature you can send notification, alert, or warning or simple text message to your selected users Here is how to configure a notification, let's do it.
Enable these groups for those users who create notifications.

'Notification' Menu and tree view.

Here in this feature, you have two different styles, One is message shows like news banner(marquee) and the second is message shows like alerts.

If you want to send message like warning or quick information, so just enable 'Popup Notification', configure it and click on "Notify User".

Here in this theme, you have 2 tab styles Horizontal and Vertical for desktop, and each one has 8 amazing styles. Also you can define different tab style for desktop and mobile. So that will helps to improve your ERP Looks.
Video Tutorial Mobile Tab Video Tutorial Desktop Tab
Now you can change the form view style with 8 impressive form elements styles. That means you can easily craft your themes style. Watch video tutorial for more info.
Video Tutorial Form Style
Here in this theme, you can easily adjust chatter position. If you have large resolution screen (Resolution more than 1550px) so you can use chatter position 'Sided/Normal'.Currently in enterprise edition chatter position is sided when screen size is larger.
Video Tutorial Chatter Position
User can set any gradient color for sidebar in enterprise theme as well as 5 different SVG style for background.

User can set different SVG as sidebar background and customize sidebar background gradient color as per his choice.

Go to
"Settings" => "PWA Backend Configuration".
You can
configure PWA as
per your choice.You have an option of app name, icon, display
orientation etc.
If you have an external module "sh_pwa_backend" installed
then you need to uninstall that, than after update the new
Note: PWA only works with localhost/https and single
DB. If you are using multiple database then you need to
apply a DB filter. One more thing it will not work with a
private/incognito browser window.

We have made 11 different beautiful popup animation style, You can select and use as per your requirement. These changes will be applied to everywhere in odoo.

We have made 8 different beautiful theme style, You can select and use as per your requirement. You can easily customize that particular theme style, Normally user has its own logo or brand colors so the user can customize his theme as per logo or brand colors. These changes will be applied to everywhere in odoo.

Normally the user has a logo or brand color, so the user can change primary colors, hover color, active menu color using primary color as per his brand color.
Users can also change Secondary color, Secondary hover, Secondary active colors.

You can easily change the color of Topbar(header) background color, hover color and active menu color.
You can customize your body with different options. There are two
for body background Image/Color. Also, you can change body font
color and
body font type with 8 different beautiful and clean font families
(Roboto, Raleway, Poppins, Oxygen, Open Sans, Koho, Ubuntu, Comfortaa).
google font family in this Backmate theme. So the user has a large
range of
body font type and set as your choice.

Here in this theme, you can set your choice fonts family from google fonts.

You can set font color as per heading size(H1 to H6),paragraph(p).
You can set a button style with 6 different styles of the button like a leaf, square corner, rounded corner, with or without background, also you can enable icon with the button.

You can easily change the font size as per heading size(H1 to H6), paragraph(P).
Easily customize your separator line with 6 different styles like a ridge, dotted, double, etc and set the color of the separator.

There is 8 different style of the sidebar with animation.
There are two types of sidebar background.Background Image / Background Color.To set a sidebar background image select 'sidebar background style - Image'.To set a sidebar background color select 'sidebar background style - Color'.Also, you can change the font color, font hover color, font hover background color, etc.

Here we
provide a feature to customize the list view.
There are mainly
types Bordered and Without border.
Easily set odd-even row
Easily enable or disable rows hover and set hover color

theme provides tools to customize the login screen.
Using this
tool you
can make an attractive login screen.
In this theme, there are
styles of the login screen.
You can also set the default odoo
Easily set background color or image.
Easy to set
a login
box background color.
*Please note that login styles does not
with website modules.
Note: login page box color & login page banner image is fix for login page style 4 .

Here we provide a 6 different style for buttons like a leaf, square corner, rounded corner, only border, with or without a background color, etc.

Here we provide a tool for customizing your separator. You can change the separator style with given 6 different styles.

Sticky Heading of List view

Sticky Heading of Form View

Sticky Heading of Inside Form View

Sticky Heading of Chatter View

Now you can change the checkbox style with 4 impressive styles. That means you can easily craft your themes style.

Now you can change the radio button style with 4 impressive styles. That means you can easily craft your themes style.

Sidebar Style 1

Sidebar Style 2

Sidebar Style 3

Sidebar Style 4

Sidebar Style 5

Sidebar Style 6

Sidebar Style 7

Sidebar Style 8

Login Page (style-1)

Login Page (style-2)

Login Page (style-3)

Login Page (style-4)

Configuration View

Form View

Kanban View

Calender View

Pivot View

Graph View

Note: Please note that debug icon is not displayed on Mobile and Tablet view

Login Page 1

Login Page 2

Form View

Kanban View

Calender View

Pivot View

Graph View

Night Mode Workflow
Application View.

Calender View.

Contact View.

Setting View.

Graph View.

Kanban View.

List View.

Kanban View.

Pivot View.

RTL Workflow
Application View.

Calender View.

Contact View.

Setting View.

Discussion View.

Form View.

Graph View.

Kanban View.

List View.

Kanban View.

Pivot View.

User can search any record of any object from this search view as well as he/she can search menu.

- No, App icon style configuration will remove in the sidebar style 1 because there is no app icon in that sidebar style.
- This theme works perfectly with Odoo Enterprise only.
- Currently, The firebase notification is tested with android os.
- Yes, It's only compatible with 'https'.
- No, It's only compatible with odoo backend.
- Yes, We have made separate module to get compatibility with website (Frontend). You can purchase using below link.Backmate Backend Theme Enterprise - Compatibility With Frontend
- Yes, you can install this theme with single click.
- Yes, There is 8 different pre-designed well crafted themes.
- Please Contact Us at [email protected] to request customization.
- Yes, we provide free support for 90 days.
Version 15.0.26 (19th Dec 2024)
- FIX Fixed app menu toggle button for mobile view
Version 15.0.25 (31st August 2024)
- FIX Minor Bug Fix
Version 15.0.24 (28th February 2024)
- New Glass & Light Icon Style Added In App Icon Style.
Version 15.0.23 (01st September 2023)
- New Open Record In New Tab Feature Added.
Version 15.0.22 (16th July 2023)
- New Show Attachments In List View Added.
Version 15.0.21 (16th June 2023)
- New Group By List View Expand/Collapse Feature Added.
Version 15.0.20 (22nd October 2022)
- update Add Another New Font Icons.
Version 15.0.19 (11thOctober 2022)
- New New Crescent Theme Style Added
Version 15.0.18 (23rdSeptember 2022)
- New 5 Unique Predefined List View Style Added.
Version 15.0.17 (6thSeptember 2022)
- New Background Image Change Option Added Feature For Discuss Chatter Background.
- New Added Two Color Options for Dual Tone Icon.
Version 15.0.16 (16thAugust 2022)
- New 3 Unique App Icon Style Added.
Version 15.0.15 (4thAugust 2022)
- New 3 Unique Discuss Chatter Style Added.
- New 4 Unique Scroll Bar Style Added.
Version 15.0.14 (20thJuly 2022)
- New Multi Tab Added.
Version 15.0.13 (5thJuly 2022)
- New Refresh Button Added.
Version 15.0.12 (22ndJune 2022)
- New Zoom in Zoom Out Main View.
Version 15.0.11 (8thJune 2022)
- New 2 Unique Radio Button Style Added.
- New 2 Unique Checkbox Style Added.
Version 15.0.10 (24thMay 2022)
- New To Do List Feature added.
Version 15.0.9 (27th April 2022)
- FIX Make Chatter Design Compatible with Invoice Report Preview
Version 15.0.8 (22nd April 2022)
- NEW Bookmark Feature Added.
Version 15.0.7 (13th April 2022)
- UPDATE Added in to the User Preferences : Global Search Mode, Full Screen, Calculator.
Version 15.0.6 (31st March 2022)
- NEW Language Selector Added.
Version 15.0.5 (7th March 2022)
- FIX Fix Background Color Related Issue for Modal Popup
Version 15.0.4 (1st March 2022)
- FIX Fix Toggle Design for Kanban View
Version 15.0.3 (8th February 2022)
- FIX Small Bug Fix.
Version 15.0.2 (22th January 2022)
- NEW Night Mode Added.
Version 15.0.1
- Initial Initial Release