Currently, in odoo, you need to add related products manually in each of the products. So Auto-related products will provide facilities to show Related products automatically for a product. So no need to add the related or upsell product separately to show related Products. There are two options are given now to manage this feature, 1) By Category Wise 2) Global, If By Category Than It will show randomly related products of the current category. If Global than it will show random products from all categories. Max no product you can input as you want.
Fully Responsive.
Slider style clean design.
Easy to customize by category or global.
This app is compatible with Odoo's Multi-Company/Multi-Website Feature.
No need to add products manually on each product page.
Easy to configured.
- Fixed Minor bug fixed.
- Initial Release
Choose Your Website e.g. "My Website" from website settings, if you have Multi Website.

For "My Website" set "Suggest Related Product" option to "True". Choose option "Product Suggestion Based On" to "Product Category" suggestion. Set Maximum number of products to show in suggestion list that are "Published" and "Active".

For "My Website" from customize option "Related Products" is True. On a product view page slider available suggesting related product base on settings. If "Product Category" option selected than product suggestion base on same category as of current product. All "Published" and "Active" products listed as per given limit. Arrow button available to show products one by one on slider.

Choose Your Website e.g. "My Website 2" from website settings.

For "My Website 2" set "Suggest Related Product" option to "True". Choose option "Product Suggestion Based On" to "Random" suggestion. Set Maximum number of products to show in suggestion list that are "Published" and "Active".

For "My Website 2" from customize option "Related Products" is True. On a product view page slider available suggesting related product base on settings. On "Random" option all "Published" and "Active" products listed as per given limit. Arrow button available to show products one by one on slider.

On "Related Products" suggestion on mouse hover of a product "Add to Cart" and "More Detail" option available, on click redirect to relative page.