Days Wise Product Sales Report
This reports useful to check sales of products day wise. so you can easily identify which day which products sold and how many sold.
Features of Day Wise Sales Report
You can view the report directly from the wizard. New
You can generate the report for a specific date-time. New
Easy to generate report of every product by specifying start date and end date.
It's easy to analyze the product sold daily.
You can generate Report Pdf as well as Excel sheet.
List view of the customer sales analysis, you can also group by reports.

Sold Products Count Day Wise with total Products Sold for given Date range in PDF Report

Set Date Range for PDF/Excel Report.

Sold Products Count Day Wise with total Products Sold for given Date range in Excel Report.

Latest Updates
Go to the >> "Reporting" menu and Click on the "Day Wise Sales Report".

After that, the "Day Wise Sales Report" wizard will appear.
If you want to view the report, then click on the "VIEW" button.

List view of the day wise product sales report, you can also group by reports.

Enter date and time to get report between particular date-time.

PDF report based on given date-time.

Excel report based on given date-time.

Sale Detail Report
Do you want to get detaied informations of sales like which products sold? how many qty sold? payment got by which methods? what is taxes amount? tax details? so our app will help you to get all this information very easily. you need to enter from date to date and you can select optional things if you want, status and channels. you will find detaild report with sales information. this app will help you to get more infomration apart from total sale order.
Features of Sales Details Report
You can view the report directly from the wizard. New
You can generate the report for a specific date-time. New
Sales Details Report provides you sales analysis by specific time period.
You can print report in Pdf as well as excel report.
You can filter report by sales channels.
You can filter report by order state wise.
From reports you can easily get payment and taxes informations.
You can easily get sales by different products list.
Sales Details report menu.

Sales Details Pdf/Excel report wizard.

Sales Details PDF report looks like below.

Sales Details Pdf/Excel report wizard.

Sales Details Excel report looks like below.

Latest Updates
Go to the "Reporting" menu and Click on the "Sales Details Report".

After that, the "Sales Details Report" wizard will appear.
If you want to view the report, then click on the "VIEW" button.

List view of the sales details report, you can also group by reports.

Enter date and time to get report between particular date-time.

PDF report based on given date-time.

Excel report based on given date-time.

Sales Report By Saleperson
Sales Report By Saleperson helps you to find sales details by salesperson with his customer,sales amount and due amount.
Features of Sales Report By Saleperson
You can view the report directly from the wizard. New
You can generate the report for a specific date-time. New
Sales report by salesperson between specific time period.
This app will use to get information about salesperson with his customer and it's order detail.
You can print report in PDF and Excel sheet.
Sales Report By Saleperson Menu.

Sales report by Salesperson Report wizard view.

Sales Report By Saleperson PDF Reprot looks like below.

Sales Report By Saleperson Excel Reprot looks like below.

Latest Updates
Go to the >> "Reporting" menu and Click on the "Sales Report By Saleperson".

After that, the "Sales Report By Saleperson" wizard will appear.
If you want to view the report, then click on the "VIEW" button.

List view of the sales report by saleperson, you can also group by reports.

Enter date and time to get report between particular date-time.

PDF report based on given date-time.

Excel report based on given date-time.

Invoice Payment Report
This app usefull to get invoice/bills full infomation of sales sales person wise. This report can also print sale person and manager. if sale person print report than he will only his invoice/bill details and manager can select multiple sales person if access group assigned. so this app will allow you to get all sales person/individual sale person wise sales/purchase invoice/bill/credit/debit notes infomration in pdf/excel file. we have marked reports in red text. so you can easily get refund information. easy to track sales person wise sales/puchase invoices/bills. you can also easily get sales person wise payment they collected. you can also use this report for daily use.
Features of Invoice Payment Report
You can view the report directly from the wizard.
Easily filter salesperson wise payment.
Easy to get sales person wise full sales informations.
If you have given rights than user can select more than one sales person and get report for all of them inside pdf/excel.
Easy to get total amount by different payment methods,Easy to filter records by different status.
Easy to give access rights to select multiple sales person from wizard. if you dont give this access rights than user who logged will auto selected in this wizard. so his report only printed.
You can print report in PDF and Excel sheet.
Tick this group 'Show Salesperson Field In Invoice Payment Report' to show salesperson field in wizard.

Invoice payment report menu.

Invoice payment PDF/Excel report wizard.

Invoice Payment PDF report looks like below.

Invoice payment PDF/Excel report wizard.

Invoice payment Excel report looks like below.

Latest Updates
Go to the >> "Reporting" menu and Click on the "Invoice Payment Report".

After that, the "Invoice Payment Report" wizard will appear.
If you want to view the report, then click on the "VIEW" button.

List view of the day wise invoice payment report, you can also group by reports.

Top Customers
This module is useful to do an analysis of your present as well as past Customer. you can easily compare customer by customer sales amount. you can easily identify which is New or Lost customer and How much did he buy. You can easily get an analysis report of the top customers in pdf or excel file. easy to filter records by no of items, total sales amount, sales channels. you can easily apply from the date and total date.
Features of Top Customers
You can view the report directly from the wizard. New
You can generate the report for a specific date-time. New
Find top customer based on specific time period, total amount and sales channel.
Compare top customers between specific time period.
You can print report in PDF and Excel Report.
Top Customers report wizard and Report type select Basic.

Top Customer Basic type PDF Reprot look like below.

Top Customers report wizard and Report type select Compare.

Top Customer Compare PDF Reprot looks like below.

Top Customer Select Basic type Reprot and print Excel report.

Top Customer Basic Excel Reprot looks like below.

Top Customer Select Compare type Reprot and print Excel report.

Top Customer Select Compare type Excel Reprot looks like below.

Latest Updates
Go to the "Reporting" menu and Click on the "Top Customers".

After that, the "Top Customers" wizard will appear.
If you want to view the report, then click on the "VIEW" button.

List view of the top customers, you can also group by reports.

Enter date and time to get report between particular date-time.

PDF report based on given date-time.

Excel report based on given date-time.

Top Selling Product
This module is useful to do an analysis of your present as well as past product selling. you can easily compare between products sold between 2 periods. you can easily identify which products sold and how many times its sold. We have given a new view to see top selling products. You can easily get an analysis report of top-selling products in pdf or excel file. easy to filter records by no of items, total qty sold, sales channels. you can easily apply from date and to date.
Features of Top Selling Product
You can generate the report for a specific date-time. New
Easy to analysis your top selling products of your specified period dates.
Easy to compare 2 different period's top selling products.
Easy to apply different kind of filters like no of products, total qty sold, sales channel, from date,to date etc.
It will help you to boost your sales by find out products list which solved in that periods.
Top Selling Product menu and tree view.

Top Selling Products Menu.

Top Selling Products report wizard and select Basic Reprot type.

Top selling product basic PDf report look like below.

Top Selling Products report wizard and select Compare Reprot type.

Top selling product Compare PDf report look like below.

Top Selling Products report wizard and select Basic Reprot type and print Excel report.

Top selling product Basic Excel report look like below.

Top Selling Products report wizard and select Compare Reprot type and print Excel report.

Top selling product Compare Excel report look like below.

Latest Updates
Enter date and time to get report between particular date-time.

PDF report based on given date-time.

Excel report based on given date-time.

Sales Attribute Report

You can generate and print sale product attribute report in PDF as well as XLS format. You can generate a report between any date range with a selected partner. Report can be generated based on sale order stage, horizontal & vertical attributes, products & products categories.

- You can view the report directly from the wizard.
- You can generate a sale product attribute report.
- You can generate reports between a specific date range.
- You can generate attribute report of selected partner.
- Easy to generate a report based on the sale order stage (All, Quotation Sent, Sale Order, Locked).
- Easy to generate a report based on products or product categories.
- Report can be generated in the horizontal attributes and vertical attributes.
- Report can be generated in PDF and XLS format.
"Sales Product Attribute Report" menu.

"Sales Product Attribute Report" wizard, You can select specific dates for report.

You can choose stages for attribute report.

You can choose horizontal attributes and vertical attributes.

You can print report based on products or product categories.

Report can be generated in PDF and XLS format.

PDF report looks like this.

XLS report looks like this.

Customer Sales Analysis
In this module, you can generate and print customer's sales analysis reports in PDF as well as excel format. You can generate reports between any date range. Sale orders & products, Report can be generated using these both options. You can also generate a report based on the status of the sale order/quotation.
- You can generate the report for a specific date-time. New
- You can generate and print the customer's sales analysis report.
- You can generate reports between a specific date range.
- Report can be generated in PDF and XLS format.
- You can generate a sales analysis report based on sale orders & products.
- You can generate a report based on any status of the sale order/quotation (All, Draft, Quotation sent, Sales order, Locked).
"Customer Sales Analysis" menu.

Sales analysis PDF/Excel report wizard, we print the report based on sale orders.

Sales analysis PDF report looks like below.

Now we print the "Sales Analysis" excel report based on products.

When you click "Print XLS", this wizard opens click the "Customer Sales Analysis" button.

Sales analysis XLS report looks like below.

Latest Updates
Go to >> "Reporting" menu and Click on the"Customer Sales Analysis" menu.

After that, the "Customer Sales Analysis" wizard will appear.
If you want to view the report, then click on the "VIEW" button.

List view of the sales analysis report, you can also group by reports.

Enter date and time to get report between particular date-time.

PDF report based on given date-time.

Excel report based on given date-time.

Sales Product Profit Report
In this module, you can generate and print product sales profit reports in PDF as well as excel format. You can generate reports between any date range. Report generated by customers, products or both. We provide the option to print reports of more than one company.
- You can view the report directly from the wizard. New
- You can generate the report for a specific date-time. New
- You can generate and print the product sales profit reports.
- You can generate reports between a specific date range.
- Report can be generated in PDF and XLS format.
- You can generate a report based on customers, products or both.
- You can easily calculate sales profit.
- Easy to print a report of more than one company.
"Sales Product Profit" menu.

Sales product profit PDF/Excel report wizard, we print the report based on customers.

Sales product profit PDF report looks like below.

Now we print the "Sales Product Profit Report" excel report based on products.

When you click "Print XLS", this wizard opens click the "Sales Product Profit" button.

Sales product profit XLS report looks like below.

Latest Updates
Go to the >> "Reporting" menu and Click on the "Sales Product Profit".

After that, the "Sales Product Profit" wizard will appear.
If you want to view the report, then click on the "VIEW" button.

List view of the sales product profit, you can also group by reports.

Enter date and time to get report between particular date-time.

PDF report based on given date-time.

Excel report based on given date-time.

Sales Invoice Summary
This module helps to generate and print sales invoice summary reports of customers in PDF as well as excel format. You can generate reports between any date range. You can generate reports based on invoice status. We provide the option to print reports of more than one company.
- You can view the report directly from the wizard. New
- You can generate and print sales invoice summary reports.
- You can generate reports between a specific date-time.
- Report can be generated in PDF and XLS format.
- You can generate a report based on invoice status (Both, Open & Paid).
- Easy to print a report of more than one company.
"Sales Invoice Summary" menu.

Sales invoice summary PDF/Excel report wizard.

Sales invoice summary PDF report looks like below.

Now we print the "Sales Invoice Summary" excel report.

When you click "Print XLS", this wizard opens click the "Sales Invoice Summary" button.

Sales invoice summary XLS report looks like below.

Latest Updates
Go to the >> "Reporting" menu and Click on the "Sale Invoice Summary".

After that, the "Sale Invoice Summary" wizard will appear.
If you want to view the report, then click on the "VIEW" button.

List view of the sale invoice summary, you can also group by reports.

Go to >> "Invoice Payment Report" menu.

After that, the "Invoice Payment Report" wizard will appear.
If you want to view the report, then click on the "VIEW" button.

List view of the invoice payment report, you can also group by reports.

Product Sales Indent Report
This module will help you to generate product sales indent report of customers and print it in PDF as well as excel format. You can generate reports between any date range. You can generate reports by product category. You can also generate a report based on the status of the sale order/quotation. We provide the option to print reports of more than one company.
- You can view the report directly from the wizard. New
- You can generate the report for a specific date-time. New
- You can generate and print product sales indent report of customers.
- You can generate reports between a specific date range.
- Report can be generated in PDF and XLS format.
- You can generate a report based on product categories.
- You can generate a report based on any status of the sale order/quotation (All, Draft, Quotation sent, Sales order, Locked).
- Easy to print a report of more than one company.
"Sales Product Indent" menu.

Product indent PDF/Excel report wizard.

Product indent PDF report looks like below.

Now we print the "Sales Product Indent" excel report.

When you click "Print XLS", this wizard opens click the "Sales Product Indent" button.

Product indent XLS report looks like below.

Latest Updates
Go to the "Reporting" menu and Click on the "Sale Product Indent".

After that, the "Sale Product Indent" wizard will appear.
If you want to view the report, then click on the "VIEW" button.

List view of the sale product indent, you can also group by reports.

Enter date and time to get report between particular date-time.

PDF report based on given date-time.

Excel report based on given date-time.

Sales By Category Report
This module helps to generate and print product sales reports by product category in PDF as well as excel format. You can generate reports between any date range. You can generate reports based on any product category. We provide the option to print reports of more than one company.
- You can view the report directly from the wizard. New
- You can generate the report for a specific date-time. New
- You can generate and print the product sales reports by product category.
- You can generate reports between a specific date range.
- Report can be generated in PDF and XLS format.
- You can generate a report based on product categories.
- Easy to print a report of more than one company.
"Sales By Product Category" menu.

Sales by product category PDF/Excel report wizard.

Sales by product category PDF report looks like below.

Now we print the "Sales By Product Category" excel report.

When you click "Print XLS", this wizard opens click the "Sales By Product Category" button.

Sales by product category XLS report looks like below.

Latest Updates
Go to the >> "Reporting" menu and Click on the "Sales By Product Category".

After that, the "Sales By Product Category" wizard will appear.
If you want to view the report, then click on the "VIEW" button.

List view of the sales by category report, you can also group by reports.

Enter date and time to get report between particular date-time.

PDF report based on given date-time.

Excel report based on given date-time.

Dynamic Hourly Custom Sales Report
This module helps to get hourly sales order reports. You can generate custom sale order reports based on custom hours. You can generate reports in XLS format. Cheers!

"Sectors" menu.

Sector Form View

Sector Tree View.

"Sector Wise Weekly Report" Menu.

Sales Sector Excel report wizard, we print the report.

Sales Sector XLS report looks like below.