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All In One HRMS - Community Edition


In any organization, the most significant task is that managing their human capital. We have developed an All-in-1 HRMS module for efficient management of the human resource in an organization. Our HRMS module helps to manage HR-related activities easily and efficiently. So get the best HRMS at a low cost!

HR Resignation
HR Company Policy
Import Employee Checklists
Overtime Flow With Payslip
Payslip Cancel
Payslip Send By Email
Payslip Dynamic Approval
Payslip Dynamic Cheque
Payslip Whatsapp Integration
HR Dashboard
Employee Promotion
Employee Overtime
Employee Medical Examination
Cancel HR Expense
Employee Idea Management
Employee Entry Exit Checklist
Employee Complain Management
Employee Number Sequence
Employee Mass Tags Update
Mass Update Employee
Employee Own Records
Employee Document Management
Employee Extra Fields
Employee Passport Management
Employee Custom Fields
HR Resignation added.
HR policy added.
Easy to import employee checklist through CSV and XLS file
Manage employee overtime for week days & weekend
Add overtime in the salary structure
Send payslip to employee's WhatsApp in single click
Send by email button to send payslip
Auto sends payslip to the employee on confirmation
Cancel employee payslip which is in done state
Cancel employee's journal entries
Set dynamic approvals on payslips
Different approvals on different payslips.
Notification when payslip approves or rejects.
Create a dynamic cheque.
Customize Cheque as your requirement.
HR Dashboard to enhance employee performance
Manage employee visa/passport
Manage employees using sequence numbers
Update tags in Employees
Update multiple employees
Employees can share own ideas
Add extra fields in employee form view
Add custom tab in employee form view
Add custom field in employee form view.
Employee checklist
Employee checklist template
Manage employee's documents.
Track every details of employees
Employee can see his/her record or profile
Employees can share complains with organization
Cancel employee expenses
Manage & analyze employee overtime
Manage employee promotion process
Manage employee medical information

Go to the "Resignation Management" menu.

Resignation list View.

Goto the resignation type menu. You will see the list of available resignation types. If you want to create a new resignatiuon type then click on the 'New' button.

Form view of the resignation type.

User can post their resignation request.

When the user post their request it will be moved to the "Waiting For Approval" stage.

The request is sent to the department manager through email.

Manager can approve or refuse resignation request.

When the department manager click on the "Approve" or "Refuse" one wizard will opens, Here they can enter comment.

The employee who request for resignation get an email when the responsible user approved/refused the request.

Manager can close the request after approved/refused.

User can also reset the request to draft stage from close stage.

Department manager can filter or group by all request.

Go to settings => companies and define company policy.

Go to the department configuration and define policy for every department.

When creating an employee contract the policy will be set by default related to its respective department & company.

Manager Dashboard

Set 'Administrator' in the employees.

The Manager Dashboard looks like below, The Manager can see leaves, attendances, contracts & expenses, and all from the dashboard.

When you press the 'Leaves' button it opens the employee leaves.

Now we open attendance.

Employee attendance view looks like this.

Manager's can see employee expenses from here.

Expenses of employees with employee filter.

Now we open contracts.

Employee contracts with details.

Manager can see employee birthdays, & anniversaries directly from the dashboard. Managers can also see the announcements.

Employee Dashboard

Go to 'My Dashboard' menu.

'HR Dashboard' looks like below, you can see leave and attendance details, contracts report, employee expenses, birthday, anniversary, and announcement menu.

When you press the 'Leaves' button it opens the leaves list view.

Go to the HR Dashboard and click on the attendance details.

When you press the 'Attendance' button it opens the attendance list view.

Go to the HR Dashboard and click on the expense details.

When you press the 'Expense' button it opens the expense list view.

Go to the HR Dashboard and click on the contract details.

When you press the 'Contract' button it opens the contract list view.

You get all the details related to employee birthdays, anniversaries & announcements from here.

It opens the announcements list view when you click there.

The announcements form view looks like this, here the HR manager or officer can manage the sequence of that or can remove the announcement.

Expense, Attendance, and Leave in the dashboard with details.

Set managers for employees.

Select related user.

Go to settings => 'Users & Companies' set user access.

The overtime request form view.

The manager gets an email notification when the request creates.

Now thw approval request is in the 'Request' stage.

The overtime approve request form view. Click on the 'Approve' button to approve the request.

The employee gets an email notification when the request is approved/rejected.

If the request is rejected then it generates a popup for reason.

The employee gets an email notification when the request is approved/rejected.

The employee can see rejected request reason.

Go to employee => configuration, select user/person whom you want to notify & choose before days expired employee medical examination.

'Medical Type' menu.

Form view of the medical type.

Go to employee => medical information and enter the details.

Email notification of expiring employee medical examination looks like below.

The medical examination information list view.

You can group by the medical examination list by their type.

Employee medical examination information form view.

Go to the scheduled action menu and click in the run manually button.

Email notification of expiring employee medical examination looks like below.

Go to users, choose employees => 'Administrator'.

Go to the configuration => Employee promotion to create employee promotion, employee promotion list view looks like this.

Now go to employees, Admin can see employee total promotion list from the smart button 'Employee Promotion'.

Choose details and press the save it.

Go to users, choose employees => Officer manage all employees.

The employee promotion form view looks like this.

Admin can print all employee promotion reports.

Employee promotion report looks like this.

Admin can see employee promotion from the 'Employee Promotion' menu and from the 'Employee Promotion' smart button.

Go to users, choose employees => 'Officer'.

Officers can see their promotion from the 'Employee Promotion' menu and from the 'Employee Promotion' smart button.

An employee/officer can see their own promotion only.

An employee/officer can print own promotion report.

Go to the "Attendances".

Now go to the "Manager" => "Attendances".

When any check-in/check-out or any new entry creates, it will show in the attendance chatter.

Select the leave requests from the list view, and then, from the 'Action' menu, choose 'First Approval'.

Select the leave requests from the list view, and then, from the 'Action' menu, select 'Second Approval'.Mass leave requests approved.

Now go to employees, Admin can see employee total promotion list from the smart button 'Employee Promotion'.

Tick the "Expense Cancel Feature" to cancel expenses.


When you want to cancel the expenses only then choose the "Cancel Only" option.

We cancel paid expense.

Now press the "Cancel" button.

When you cancel the expense then the expense is cancelled and the state is changed to "refused".


When you want to cancel the expenses and reset to the draft state tick "Cancel and Reset to Draft".

We cancel paid expense.

Now press the "Cancel" button.

When you cancel the expense then the expense is cancelled and the expense is reset to the draft.


When you want to cancel & delete the expenses then choose the "Cancel and Delete" option.

We cancel paid expense.

Now press the "Cancel" button.

After the "Cancel" the expense will be deleted.


Now we cancel multiple expenses from the tree view.

All selected expenses are cancelled.

Now we "cancel & reset draft" multiple expenses from the tree view.

All selected expenses are cancelled and reset to the draft.

Now we "cancel & delete" multiple expenses from the tree view.

All expenses will be deleted after cancelled.

Go to the 'Configuration' => 'Idea Category' menu to create it.

'Idea Category' form view, you can create an idea category with the department and responsible person.
Note: You can add multiple Departments and responsible persons.

Idea form view, fill in details and post ideas.

After clicking on the post idea button, a responsible person gets mail about that.

Now idea is in waiting for approval stage.

A responsible person can approve/refuse an idea.
Note: Only the responsible person can approve/refuse ideas.

A responsible person can give ratings and comment about the decision.

Approve/refuse the idea shown as below.

The employee gets emails regarding approved/refused ideas.

After approve, refuse, or cancel ideas, the user can repost ideas using 'Reset To Draft'.

Group by and filter ideas based on the specific criteria or needs.

Create Employee Entry Checklist and Description.

Employee Entry Checklist list available in Employee.

Create Employee Exit Checklist and Description.

Employee Exit Checklist list available in Employee.

Select Employee Entry Checklist that are completed, based on that Entry Checklist percentage calculated.

Select Employee Exit Checklist that are completed, based on that Exit Checklist percentage calculated.

Employee Entry & Exit Checklist Completed Percentage on List view.

Employee Entry & Exit Checklist Completed Percentage on Kanban View.

You can filter the completed and uncompleted Employee Entry & Exit checklist.

Import employee entry checklist menu.

Import checklist wizard, select file type & upload file. You can download sample sheet from here.

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records.

Following checklists are imported.

Import employee exit checklist menu.

Import checklist wizard, select file type & upload file. You can download sample sheet from here.

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records.

Following checklists are imported.

Go to configuration and select employee checklist.

Write the name and description of the checklist.

You can search the employee checklist by there name.

You can search the employee checklist by description.

Go to configuration and select employee checklist template.

Now we create checklist template, checklist template form view looks like this.

Employee checklist template list view looks like this.

You can group by employee checklist templates by checklist template.

You can search employee checklist template by there name.

You can search employee checklist template by there checklist name.

Now we fill the checklist by selecting the checklist template, When we select checklist template, it adds a record by default.

Checklist completed percentage on kanban view.

Checklist completed percentage on list view.

You can filter checklists by complete/Uncomplete checklist.

Import checklist menu.

Import checklist wizard, select file type & upload file. You can download sample sheet from here.

Click apply after the file is uploaded.

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records.

Following checklists are imported.

Select import file type: Excel. Click apply after the file is uploaded.

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records.

Following checklists are imported.

Go to the 'Configuration' => 'Effect On' menu to create an effect on.

'Effect On' form view.

Go to the 'Configuration' => 'Complain Category' menu to create the complain category.

'Complain Category' form view, you can create a complain category with the department and responsible person.

Complain form view, fill in details, and post complain.

After post complains, a responsible person gets mail about that.

You can print the complain PDF report after posting it.

The complain PDF report.

A responsible person can give ratings and comment about the decision.

Resolve/refuse complain are shown as below.

The employee gets resolved/refused complains mail.

The complain PDF report.

After resolve, refuse, or close complains, the user can repost complain using 'Set To Draft'.

Group by and filter the complains based on the specific criteria or needs.

Press "Generate" to automatically generate the employee number.

Employee form view with the employee sequence number.

Employees kanban view with the employee sequence number.

Employees list view with the employee sequence number.

Tick "Auto Create Employee No." to assign sequence numbers automatically to new employees.

Now we create a new employee.

It generates employee numbers automatically.

You can allocate multiple employees to sequence numbers in a single click in the list view.

Select employees from the list view to allocate sequence numbers.

Employees kanban view with the employee sequence number.

You can change employee sequence number patterns.

You can set the employee sequence number pattern from here.

Employee sequence number pattern changed.

Update Employees Tags menu and wizard in Employees.

Employees Tag updated.

Select employees and go to action ==> Update Employees Tags

Update tags wizard.

Employees Tags updated.

Default tags configuration.

Default tags auto added in form view.

Select the employees from the list view and then from the 'Action' menu select 'Update Mass Manager'.

After that one wizard opens, you can update multiple employee's job positions and managers from here.

Mass employees updated.

Tick the 'Access Customer Document' and 'Enable Tags in Document' group.

Now go to the employee and attach the document.

You can see the document without download using the document smart button.

After press on the document smart button, it opens the document kanban view.

In the document form view tick, the 'Expiry Date Notify?' to get expiry date email notification.

You can see the document without download that document.

You can send email notifications to multiple employees using the 'Notify Email' option.

You can send the notification manually by modifying scheduled actions.

Manually sends email notifications without scheduled actions.

The email notification form view looks like this, you can see the document from here.

You can send multiple employee emails manually also.

Tick the 'Notify Employee' to send document expiry notification to the employee only.

Email notification list view.

Email notification form view, you can also see the document from here.

You can send multiple employee emails manually also.

Tick/untick 'On Expiry Date Notification' to enable/disable email notification on the expiry date.

It sends email notifications based on the configuration.

The email notification form view looks like this.

The email notification kanban view looks like this.

Go to 'Tags'.

You can create tags from here.

Now press 'Document' smart button.

Documents kanban view with tags.

Documents form view with tags.

Documents list view with tags.

You can search documents by tags.

Search result.

Tick the "Access Employee Document" group.

Now go to the employee and attach the document.

You can see the document without download using the document smart button.

After press on the document smart button, it opens the document kanban view.

In the document form view tick, the "Expiry Date Notify?" to get expiry date email notification.

You can see the document without download that document.

You can send email notifications to multiple employees using the "Notify Email" option.

You can send the notification manually by modifying scheduled actions.

Manually sends email notifications without scheduled actions.

The email notification form view looks like this, you can see the document from here.

You can send multiple employee emails manually also.

Tick the "Notify Employee" to send document expiry notification to the employee only.

Email notification list view.

Email notification form view, you can also see the document from here.

You have to tick "Expiry Date Notify?" to get an email notification on the expiry date.

Tick/untick "On Expiry Date Notification" to enable/disable email notification on the expiry date.

It sends email notifications based on the configuration.

The email notification form view looks like this.

The email notification kanban view looks like this.

You can add extra fields like a reference by & work country.

List view of the employee relation. Here you can add employee relation fields.

Relation form view, You can manage employee relations from here.

You have the option to include additional fields such as religion and height-weight in the personal information section. Additionally, you can add a field for a personal email address. You can add extra fields like previous nationality, passport details, blood group, and age.

You can add fields like dates(joining date, employment date, confirmation date, marriage date), social media details, job type, PF account no, and facility details. You can also add extra fields like certifications.

Go to 'Employee' => 'Configuration,' select the user or person you want to notify, and choose the number of days before the visa expires.

Go to 'Employee' => 'Visa Information,' enter the details, and if the passport has expired, it will display a red color alert in the top right corner of your employee form view.

The email notification for expiring employee visas looks like the following.

Employee visa information list view.

Employee visa information form view.

You can group by visa information by employee, application date & status.

Set access rights to allow add custom fields inside the employee.

Click on the 'Add Custom Field' & 'Add Custom Tab' button to add a new field & tab in the employee form view. Ckick on the 'Add Custom Tab' button.

After click that button one wizard will popup. where you can set tab name, label, groups, tab list, and position and click 'Create Tab'.

'Other Info' Tab is created.

For adding the field in custom tab click 'Add custom field' and add field name, label, type, tab(Other Info) and click 'Create field'.

Binary widget added.

IF you select both custom field and custom tab then the error message will be appear.

Binary widget added (Binary widget useful to give more than 1 one attachments).

Binary widget added.

Set type as a char and widget email.

The char field with 'email' widget added to form.

Set type as a char and widget phone.

The char field with "phone" widget added to form.

Set the type as 'char' and the widget as 'URL.'

The 'char' field with a 'URL' widget is added to the form.

The 'Date' field is set to 'copied: True.'

The 'Date' field is added.

The 'Datetime' field is set to 'copied: True.'

The 'Datetime' field is added.

A 'Float' field with a 'Float time' widget is added to track time (hours: minutes).

A 'Float time' widget is added.

An 'HTML' type is added, which will be useful for creating an HTML interface.

The 'HTML' feature is added.

An 'Integer' type is added.

An Integer value is added.

Many to many fields with model and widget and access rights set to the given group.

Discussion channels feature added.

Checkboxes: This feature added to select multiple values from the model. in this, you will see all options with a tickbox. you can tick multiple items.

Many to many of Checkbox's outputs looks like below.

Many to one: Selection widget added.

Selection widget added.

Set type as selection and enter options as per requirement, widget set to the radio.

The selection field with 'radio' widget added to form.

Priority: This feature added to add a priority view.

The selection field with 'priority' widget added to form.

Color field added.

Color field added for a selection of different colors.

Signature field with access rights.

Signature field added.

Many to many: Binary widget added.

Binary widget added (Binary widget useful to give more than 1 one attachment).

'Employee Custom Field' Menu in Configuration where you can see the list and edit the custom Fields.

'Employee Custom Tab' Menu in Configuration where you can see the list and edit the custom tabs.

Tick "Enable Automatic Leave Summary" and choose weekly, monthly or both to send leaves email.

Leave request list view with total leaves.

Now we run schedule actions.

As per configuration leave email sent.

Assign Work Email to employee, employee will get leave reply on this email. Set Manager of employee, this manager will receive leave request email. e.g Hr Manager.

For Hr Manager set Work Email, he will get leave request on this email. Employee will leave reply from this email.

Leave Request created by Employee.

Hr Manager got leave request email from employee, with leave details mentioned. On "View Leave" button click, he will redirected to that leave request.

Hr Manager can see leave request. He can either approve or refuse request.

On "Approve" button click, leave is approved.

Employee get reply from Hr Manger about leave approval.

If Hr Manager refused any leave.

Employee get email notification about refusal of leave request.

Enable "Payslip Cancel Feature".

Option 1: Your Journal Not Allow Cancelling Entries

Currently, the journal has not allowed canceling entries.

Now make payslip and confirm it.

After journal entry is created, you can see a list view of a journal entry.

The journal entry form view looks like below.

Now, In payslip press button "Cancel Payslip".

After cancel payslip than it makes the reversal entry of payslip.

If you cancel payslip that state is set to reject.

A reversal journal entry form view.

Option 2: Your Journal Allow Cancelling Entries

Currently, the journal has allowed canceling entries.

Now make payslip and confirm it.

After journal entry is created, you can see a list view of a journal entry.

The journal entry form view looks like below.

You can cancel the payslip based on the reference number so press button "Cancel Payslip".

Payslip state set to rejected.

We have canceled payslip so it shows journal entry empty.

"Refund Payslip" Field Feature

Now make payslip and confirm it.

Press the button "Refund" in payslip.

Payslip list view.

You can see the "Refunded Payslip" field it shows detail if the payslip is refunded.

Configuration to send payslips to personal email, work email, or both using a mass action.

Inside the Employee settings, set 'Send Payslip' to 'True' to allow the payslip to be sent via email to that employee. The employee must have an email address.

After creating the payslip, clicking the 'Confirm' button will automatically send the payslip to the employee's email.

When you click the 'Send Email' button, a pop-up will open, allowing the user to modify the email template. Upon clicking the 'Send' button, the payslip will be sent to the employee's email.

The payslip PDF looks like below.

Configuration to send payslips to personal email, work email, or both using a mass action.

Now we send payslip using mass action.

Press "Send Email" in popup.

Mail sent based on the configuration.

Form view of sent mail.

Now we send mail on both emails.

Enter both emails in the employee form.

Now, confirm the employee's payslip.

Mail sent based on the configuration.

Approval configuration menu.

Approval Configuration: Setup approval levels based on minimum amount and users level. Also select companies.

Approved Process By, there are two types 1. User , 2. Group. Userwise means to define that person who approved the payslips, in this wizard select the user.

Approve type 2. Group that means only specific groups users will give approval.

User submits payslip for approval by pressing the ‘Confirm’ button. so that the payslip will automatically set the ‘Waiting for Approval’ stage. Auto fetch Approval Level based on configured approvals setup and minimum limit.

After confirmed by the user, Auto set next level approvers in the Approval Info tab. If next approval is required.

Email notification sent to approvers for approval payslip.

The "My Approval" menu shows payslip only those payslips are assigned to him.

Approval Flow

There are 2 approvers the first approver approves the payslip.

After approved by the approved person, Auto set the next level approvers in the Approval Info tab. If next approval is required.

Email notification sent to approvers for approval payslip.

Now the second approver approves the payslip.

So payslip is done.

Email notification sent to approvers for approval payslip.

Rejection Flow

There are 2 approvers If the first approver rejects the payslip that means that payslip will be canceled no more second approver is needed.

After click on the ‘Reject’ button, this wizard will pop up, here the approver has to add a reason for rejecting the payslip.

After rejection, it auto set the rejection information in the "Reject Order Info".

Email notification of rejection looks like this.

User gets a notification when a payslip approves or rejects.

'Cheque Format' all configuration.

Go to Payments and select appropriate Cheque Format,Bank, Employee Title, Add Cheque No, Add free text.

You can edit bank name, id no, logo & address.

You can print a cheque from the "Print" option.

"Payslip Dynamic Cheque" print looks like below.

'Cheque Format' all configuration.

You can print a cheque from the "Print" option.

"Payslip Dynamic Cheque" print looks like below.

In "User", enable the "Hr Payroll Whatsapp Feature" option. Users can easily send a message to anyone using that menu. This menu will be visible when the user has the SWQ group enable.

Payroll Whatsapp configuration setting, Here we enable payroll information & report URL in the message.

Send payslip in WhatsApp to the employee.

Edit Message as your requirement and click send.

If the contact number not available then this popup opens.

The payroll WhatsApp message looks like this.

Now we enable signature for show signature in the message.

Set the signature in the message,
1) Go to Preferences.

2) Add Signature.

Now we send payslip in WhatsApp to the employees and edit Message and click send.

The payroll WhatsApp message looks like this.

Tick the checkbox to enable auto-checkout, User can define checkout interval time.

Schedule actions for auto-checkout.

Enable "Write Checkout DateTime Same As Checkin".

Checkout datetime same as checkin.

Overtime configuration for weekdays.

Overtime weekdays list view with an hourly rate.

Overtime configuration for weekend.

Overtime weekend list view with an hourly rate.

Overtime request form view.

Admin approve overtime request.

Now in the payslip select contract.

You can set overtime in the salary structure.

The salary structure with overtime.

The salary computation with overtime.

Now employee send overtime request on weekend.

Weekend overtime request approved by manager.

Salary compute based on configuration.

Payslip with weekend overtime.

Go to user settings => Tick Allow to Generate Z-Report.

Go to POS settings => Tick Allow to Print Z-Report.

Select the format in which you want to print report.

Z-Report button will be available on POS screen. Click on that button to print report in selected format.

Z-Report for current session will look like below image.

If you want to print the report category wise then go to pos setting and Tick "Display Category wise detail".

Category wise Z-Report looks like below.

If you want to print the report product wise then go to pos setting and Tick "Display Product wise detail".

Product wise Z-Report looks like below.

If you want to print the report customer wise then go to pos setting and Tick "Display Customer wise detail".

Customer wise Z-Report looks like below.

If you want to print the payment details of session then go to pos setting and Tick "Display Payment detail".

The Z-Report with Payment detail looks like below.

Now select the report method to receipt.

As Shown in image the report is printed in receipt format.

All details selected in Configuration are printed in receipt.

Now change the format to "Both".

Now when the user click on Z-Report one wizard will open with 2 format options. Select "Generate PDF" option

The report will be printed in PDF format.

All the details selected in configuration will be printed in pdf.

Now select "Generate Receipt".

The report will be printed in receipt format.

All the details selected in configuration will be printed in receipt.

Go to POS setting and Tick Allow Posted Session Report. This will allow you to Generate and print Z-Report for posted sessions.

"Posted session Z-Report" button will be available on POS screen.

On clicking the button wizard will open. Select posted session of the current user.

Z-Report for selected session will be printed in pdf format.

Go to POS setting and change the format to receipt.

Z-Report for selected session will be printed in receipt format.

You can also find the Z-Report under Reporting menu of POS.

You can select multiple session and the details want in Z-Report.

The Z-Report looks like below.

Z-Report for both sessions will be printed.

The selected details will be printed in Z-Report.

Enable "POS Day Wise Report".

Go to "Day Wise POS Report".

Set the date range for the PDF/Excel Report and fill the details. Press "View".

POS products day wise report for the given date range.

Set the date range for the PDF/Excel Report and fill the details. Press "Report".

POS products day wise report for the given date range in PDF Report.

Set the date range for the PDF/Excel Report and fill the details. Press "Print XLS".

POS products day wise report with for the given date range in the excel report.

Go to user setting >> Enable the "Show User Field In POS Payment Report" and "POS Payment Report".

Go to "POS Payment Report".

After that "POS Payment Report" wizard will be appear.
Here, You can select any of the "POS Payments Includ" options. This will allow you to choose between payments with an invoice, without an invoice, or both.

Select the status of order.

If you want to see the the selected POS Payment report list then click on the "VIEW" button.

Here, you can see the list view of the POS Payment report.

For printing the PDF, Click on the "PRINT" button.

PDF File.

PDF File.

PDF File.

If you want to print the report in XLS file formate then, click on the "PRINT IN XLS" button.

XLS File.

XLS File.

Go to user setting >> Enable the "POS Report By User".

Go to "POS Report By POS User".

After that "POS Report By POS User" wizard will appear. Fill-up details.
If you want to see the the selected POS report by POS user list then click on the "VIEW" button.

Here, you can see the list view of the POS report by POS user.

For printing the PDF, Click on the "PRINT" button.

PDF File.

If you want to print the report in XLS file formate then, click on the "PRINT IN XLS" button.

XLS File.

Go to user setting >> Enable the "POS Top Product Report".

Go to "Update Top POS Product".

After that "Top POS Product" wizard will appear.
Click on the "Filter" button.

Here, you can see a list of top POS products only.

Select the report type= "Basic".
Click on the "PRINT REPORT" button.

PDF File.

Select the report type= "Compare".
Click on the "PRINT REPORT" button.

PDF File.

Select the report type= "Basic".
Click on the "PRINT XLS" button.

After that one wizard will appear.
Click on the "Top POS Product Xlsx".

XLS File.

Select the report type= "Compare".
Click on the "PRINT XLS" button.

XLS File.

Go to user setting >> Enable the "POS Top Customer Report".

Go to "Top Customer".

After that "Top Customer" wizard will apoear.
Select the report type=Basic".
For viewing the Top customer list. Click on the "VIEW" button.

Here, you can see the list view of Top POS Customer.

Select the report type= "Basic".
Click on the "PRINT" button.

PDF File.

Select the report type=Basic".
Click on the "PRINT XLS" button.

XLS File.

Select the report type= "Compare".
Click on the "PRINT" button.

PDF File.

Select the report type= "Compare".
Click on the "PRINT XLS" button.

XLS File.

Go to user setting >> Enable the "POS Product Profitability Report".

Go to "POS Profitability Report".

Here, you can see the POS Profitability Report.

Go to user setting >> Enable the "POS Sector Report".

Go to "Sectors".

Here, You can see the sector form view.

Sector list view.

Go to "Sectors Wise Weekly Report".

After that "Sectors Wise Weekly Report" wizard will appear.
Click on the "Print Report" button.

Report File.

Go to user setting >> Enable the "POS Product Profit Report".

Go to "Point Of Sale Product Profit".

After that "Point Of Sale Product Profit" wizard will appear.
Click on the "VIEW" button.

Here, you can see the list view of the point of sale product profit.

Select Report Print By = "Customers".
Click on the "PRINT" button.

PDF File.

Select Report Print By = "Both".
Click on the "PRINT IN XLS" button.

PDF File.

Go to user setting >> Enable the "POS Customer Analysis Report".

Go to "Customer Point Of Sale Analysis".

After that "Customer Point Of Sale Analysis" wizard will appear.
Select Status = "All".
Click on the "VIEW" button.

Here, you can see the list view of the customers sales analysis.

Select Report Print By = "POS Order".
Click on the "PRINT" button.

PDF File.

Select Report Print By = "Product".
Click on the "PRINT IN XLS" button.

XLS File.

Go to user setting >> Enable the "POS Product Category Report".

Go to "Point Of Sale By Product Category".

After that "Point Of Sale By Product Category" wizard will appear.
Click on the "VIEW" button.

Here, you can see the list view of the point of sale category.

For printing Point Of Sale By Product Category report, Click on the "PRINT" button.

PDF File.

For printing Point Of Sale By Product Category report in XLS formate, Click on the "PRINT IN XLS" button.

XLS File.

Go to user setting >> Enable the "POS Invoice Summary".

Go to "Point Of Sale Invoice Summary".

After that "Point Of Sale Invoice Summary" wizard will appear.
Click on the "VIEW" button.

Here, you can see the list view of the Point Of Sale Invoice Summary.

For printing Point Of Sale Invoice Summary report, Click on the "PRINT" button.

PDF File.

For printing Point Of Sale Invoice Summary report in XLS formate, Click on the "PRINT IN XLS" button.

XLS File.

Go to user setting >> Enable the "POS Product Indent Report".

Go to "Point Of Sale Product Indent".

After that "Point Of Sale Product Indent" wizard will appear.
Select Status = "All".
Click on the "VIEW" button.

Here, you can see the list view of the Point Of Sale Product Indent.

For printing Point Of Sale Product Indent report, Click on the "PRINT" button.

PDF file.

For printing Point Of Sale Product Indent report in XLS formate, Click on the "PRINT IN XLS" button.

XLS File.

Version 17.0.1 | Released on : 25th November 2023

Initial Initial Release.
  • No, This app works perfectly with Odoo Community only.
  • No, this application is not compatible with saas/Odoo Online).
  • Yes, you will get free update for lifetime.
  • No, you don't need to install addition libraries.
  • For version 12 or upper, you will need to purchase the module for each version that you want to use.
  • Yes, we provide free support for 100 days.
Survmate Survey Theme v17

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