All In One Import - Partner, Product, Sales, Purchase, Accounts, Inventory, BOM, CRM, Project

This module is useful to import data from CSV/Excel file. You can import custom fields from CSV or Excel.

- You can import purchase order by vendor's Name or Reference or ID.
- You can import sale order, invoice, journal entry & invoice with payment & pos order, by customer's Name or Reference or ID.
- You can add/update the pricelist while importing vendor & sales pricelists.
- You can import product images using schedule import.
- You can import vendor pricelists using schedule import.
- Import Data Using CSV/Excel.
- Skip error data and notify row no at the end of import.
- Different Accessrights Groups.
- Very well formated Excel and CSV files.
- Easy to import custom fields.
- Easy to import custom fields from CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import Text, Integer, Float, Character, Boolean, Selection, Many2one, Many2many custom fields.
- Well, documentation and Videos.
- All-time support.
Custom fields
added into, import product template, import invoice lines, import attendance,
import employee timesheet, import lead, import task, import reordering rules,
import customers/suppliers, import purchase order lines, import sale order lines,
import Lot-Serial Picking, import variant, import vendor details in the product, import users,
import journal items, import chart of accounts from CSV/Excel modules.
Important Notes

- Don't remove the column from the sample sheet given, you can leave an empty column if the column is not the required type. You can see the table above for that.
- Don't change the sample sheet column sequence.
Don't use excel if you
don't know the column
formatting part which
is given in the sample
sheet. Use CSV in this
case. If you want to use excel and want to clear the format then please check this video.
You can import all the things at one place. You can do mass import from one view.

The separate group assigns to for mass import buttons view.


- Easy to import employee expenses from CSV/XLS file.
- You can import the expense sheet from CSV/XLS file.
- Import expense employees by name, work phone, work email & badge ID.
- Import expense products by name, internal reference or barcode.
- You can download the sample file format.
Enable the 'Import Expenses' group.

Click on the 'Import Expense' menu.

After that, this wizard will open enter details and apply it. You can import expense or expense sheet from CSV/Excel file.

You can import expense employees by name, work phone, work email & badge ID and expense products by name, internal reference or barcode.

Select file and click on the 'Apply' button.

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records.

Imported data with form view.

Your CSV/Excel/XLS file format must match like below.

Now we import expense sheet.

Imported data form view.

Your CSV/Excel/XLS file format must match like below.


- Easy to import partner payments with payment details from CSV or Excel files.
- Import partner by partner name, email, contact number, reference & database ID.
- We provide 'Auto Post' and 'Auto Create Partner' options while importing.
Enable the 'Import Payments' group.

Click on the 'Import Payments' menu.

After that, this wizard will open enter details and apply it. You can create auto partner & auto-post payments by enabling 'Create Customer Customer/Vendor' & 'Confirm Posted Payment'.

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records.

Imported data with list view.

Following fields are imported and state change to 'Posted'.

Now we enable 'Create Customer Customer/Vendor' only so it not validate or post auto payments.

Success message looks like below it's shows imported records and validate records.

Imported data form view, here we did not enable 'Confirm Posted Payment' so state not change.

Now we do not enable 'Create Customer Customer/Vendor'.

So it generates an alert message of a partner not found that does not exist, that looks like this.

Your CSV/Excel/XLS file format must match like below.


- You can import COA(chart of account) from CSV/Excel file.
- You can import a bulk chart of accounts in a single click.
- Easy to import custom fields with the chart of accounts.
- Download Sample CSV or Excel file from import wizard directly.
Enable the 'Import Chart Of Account' group.

Click on the 'Import Chart Of Account' menu.

After that, this wizard will open enter details and apply it.

Success message looks like below.

Following COA are imported, Imported data with list view.

Following fields are imported.

Your CSV file format must match like below.

Your Excel/XLS/XLSX file format must match like below.


- Easy to import invoices/bills with payment from CSV or Excel file.
- Import product by name, barcode, internal reference.
- You can import invoice with partial payment & fully paid.
- We provide 'Auto Post' and 'auto Payment' option while importing.
- You can download the sample file format.
- Easy to import partner by Name, Reference, Id.
Enable the 'Import Invoice With Payment' group.

Click on the 'Import Invoice With Payment' menu.

After that, this wizard will open enter details and apply it.

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records and also provides list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

Imported data with list view.

Following fields are imported.

You can import invoice with the different payment method.

Imported data with list view.

Following fields are imported.

List view of the vendor payments, here you can see the memo number.

The memo number is in the vendor payments form view.


- Easy to import internal transfers from the CSV or Excel.
- You can import multiple internal transfers from a single sheet.
- You can import internal transfers by product Name, barcode & internal reference number.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Internal Transfer Advance' group in order to import internal transfers.

'Import Internal Transfer Advance' menu in the operations.

When you click the 'Import Internal Transfer Advance' menu, the wizard will open that looks like below.

Success message looks like the below it shows successfully imported records.

Following internal transfers are imported.

The imported internal transfer form view with the source and destination location.

The imported internal transfer form view with the source and destination location.

Your CSV file format must match like below.

Your Excel file format must match like below.


- Easy to import inventory from CSV or Excel file.
- Import inventory by product name, barcode & internal reference number.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Inventory Without Lot/Serial Number' group to import inventory without lot/serial number.

'Import Inventory Without Lot/Serial Number' menu in operations.

When you click the 'Import Inventory Without Lot/Serial Number' menu, the wizard will open that looks like below.

Success message looks like below.

Imported records tree view.

Your CSV file format must match like below.

Your Excel file format must match like below.


- Easy to import journal entries from CSV or Excel files.
- You can import multiple journal entries quickly.
- You can import analytic accounts and tags with journal entries.
- Easy to import customer by Name, Reference, Id.
User Setting Enable group 'Import Journal Entries'.

Import journal entries menu and tree view.

After clicking on the 'Import Journal Entries' one wizard will popup. Select a file type (CSV or Excel), accounting date, journal, company and upload the file, accounting date field that is used for your journal entry which has a same date. Select a customer by (Name).

After click to apply you see the success message of import.

As you can see the whole imported journal entries.

Imported records form view.

Your CSV file format must be like this.

Your Excel file format must match like below.


- You can import sales pricelist from CSV/Excel file.
- You can import Vendor pricelist from CSV/Excel file.
- You can apply sales pricelist on the product, product variant & product category.
- You can import pricelists by name, internal reference number & barcode.
- You can compute price by fix price, discount wise, cost price, sales price or other pricelist in the sales pricelist.
- In the vendor pricelist, we support both "Product Variants" and "Product Template" models.
- You can add/update the pricelist while importing vendor & sales pricelists.
Sale pricelist configuration.

Tick 'Import Sales pricelist'.

The import pricelist menu.

You can download a sample file by clicking on 'PRICELIST CSV FILE' or 'PRICELIST EXCEL FILE' button. You can apply a pricelist on the product, product variant & product category by name, internal reference number & barcode. You can apply import pricelist by Add sales pricelist or Update sales pricelist & price computation by fixed price. Apply price computation by Fixed price. Select the file which you want to import. Click on 'Apply' button.

You can apply price computation by percentage wise or discount wise.

You can apply price computation by formula wise(sales price, cost price or other pricelist).

Success message looks like below.

Pricelist tree view with imported pricelist.

Imported pricelist form view.

Your CSV file must looks like below.

Your Excel file must looks like below.


- Easy to import lot/serial picking from CSV/Excel file.
- You can transfer a lot/serial pickings from one to other locations.
- Easy to import custom fields.
Tick the group 'Imports Lot/Serial Picking'.

Select 'By Lots' in Acoustic Bloc Screens product and on hand qty is 0(Zero) now.

Acoustic Bloc Screens product demand qty is 10(Ten) and our done qty is 0(Zero). So we import lot/serial using the smart button that button is given besides 'Done QTY'.

After pressing that button this wizard opens, press the 'Import Lot/Serial' button.

Select the import file type, choose the file type & select lot/serial type, and press the 'Apply' button.

Success message looks like below.

Stock move pop-up.

Now we press the 'Validate' button and our stage is changed from ready to done.

Lot/Serial Numbers list view with imported lot/serial picking.

Now the Acoustic Bloc Screens product on hand qty is changed.

Select 'By Unique Serial Number' in Cabinet with doors product and the on-hand qty is 0(Zero) now.

Select the import file type, choose the file type & select lot/serial type, and press the 'Apply' button.

Success message looks like below. If you choose the 'Lot' in the lot/serial type and your product traceability is the Serial then it generates an alert for that and also If you choose the 'Serial' in the lot/serial type and your product traceability is a Lot then it generates an alert.

Stock move operation wizard with the imported lot/serial picking.

Total QTY is visible here.

Lot/Serial Numbers list view with imported lot/serial picking.

Now the Cabinet With doors product on hand qty is changed.

The 'Location' list view looks like this.


- You can export multiple eCommerce product images in a zip file quickly.
- You can export extra product eCommerce images.
User Setting: Just enable the 'Export Product Images eCommerce' option.

After enabling that option you can see this 'Export Images eCommerce' in action.

After click 'Export Images' this wizard will popup. Here in this wizard, you can see the list of selected products and options for an image where you can save image names like Name, Barcode, ID, Internal Reference, and click the 'Export' button. We provide export extra product media feature and 'is export for import' option for importing the exported file in the system.

After click 'Export' you can see one file is created in 'zip', just click it and download it.

Extract that zip file.

We provide the 'Export Images eCommerce' option for product variants also.


- Easy to import product variant eCommerce category from CSV/Excel.
- You can add extra product media in the eCommerce category.
- You can import product variant (image, price, quantity, stock, etc) from CSV or Excel by barcode, internal reference, or name.
- You can create or update product variants from CSV/Excel.
- You can identify the same name product/product variant by 'Unique Identification' fields.
- You You can import product images by image URL or local image path. (Local URL means URL of your odoo server files location, please note it is not your odoo user local system path.)
- Easy to import products with stock on-hand quantity.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Product Variants eCommerce' group.

'Import Product Variants eCommerce' menu.

After that one wizard open here you can import products with product variants From CSV/Excel.

You can create or update product variants by barcode, name & internal reference.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records.

The following product template fields are imported.

We see the imported product 'Collar T-Shirt' fields.

Product variants.

The "Sales" tab in the product 'Collar T-Shirt'.

Using the 'Variant' feature you can see product variant details.

Product variant details.

ou can see the product variant field which is imported.

The following custom fields are imported (Text, Integer, Float, Character, Boolean, Selection, Many2one, Many2many custom fields are supported).

In Attribute, Our app works only when 'Variants Creation Mode' must be set 'Instantly'.


- You can import the bulk of eCommerce images from a zip file.
- You can export extra product eCommerce images.
- You can import images by name, reference, barcode & ID.
First, Tick the 'Import Images From Zip File eCommerce' group.

Import images from the zip file eCommerce menu on the website.

Import images from zip file wizard.

Success message after import done.

Below eCommerce products, images are imported.


- Import products/product templates from CSV or Excel.
- You can import multiple barcodes for single products and product variants.
- Import product by Name, Barcode, Internal Reference.
- Import product image by path/URL. (Local URL means URL of your odoo server files location, please note it is not your odoo user local system path.)
- Easy to import products with stock on-hand quantity.
- Easy to import custom fields from CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import Text, Integer, Float, Character, Boolean, Selection, Many2one, Many2many custom fields.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Product Template' group to import product template.

'Import Products Using Multi Barcode' menu in products.

When you click the 'Import Product templates' button, the wizard will open, here you can choose the import file type(CSV/Excel), method(create product/create or update product), product update by(Barcode/Internal Reference), remove existing(If you tick this tickbox then remove existing barcode otherwise not) and file.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records and also provides a list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

The following fields are imported.

The following barcodes are imported.

The following fields are imported.

The following fields are imported.

The following fields are imported.

Your CSV file must match like below.

Your Excel file must match like below.

- You can create or update product variants by barcode, name & internal reference.
- You can import multiple barcodes for single products and product variants.
- You can identify the same name product/product variant by 'Unique Identification' fields.
- Easy to import Product Variant (image, price, quantity, stock, etc) from CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import custom fields with product variants.
- You can import product images by image URL or local image path. (Local URL means URL of your odoo server files location, please note it is not your odoo user local system path.)
- Easy to import products with stock on-hand quantity.
- Easy to create and update product variants.
First, you need to tick the "Import Product Variants" group to import product Variant.

'Import Product Variants' menu in products.

When you click the "Import Product Variants" button, the wizard will open, here you can choose the import file type(CSV/Excel), method(create product/create or update product), product update by(Name/Barcode/Internal Reference), remove existing(If you tick this tickbox then remove existing barcode otherwise not) and file.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records.

The following product template fields are imported.

We see the imported product 'Collar T-Shirt' fields.

Product variants.

The 'Sales' tab in the product 'Collar T-Shirt'.

The following barcodes are imported.

You can configure the product from here.

Product variant imported succesfully.

Custom Fields.


- Easy to import point of sale product using CSV/Excel.
- Easy to import bulk POS order.
- You can import product using the name, reference number & barcode.
- Very useful for mass records.
- Very well formated Excel and CSV files.
- If there is no customer created than it will create a customer.
- Easy to install and use it, No more configuration required.
- Easy to import customer by Name, Reference, Id.
First, you need to tick the 'Import POS Order' group to import product.

'Import POS Order' menu in orders.

After that one wizard will open and it's looks like below.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records and also provides a list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of product invalidation.

The following fields are imported.

Your CSV file format must match like below.

Your Excel file format must match like below.


- For product images, If you have a number of images and you want all images to import into Odoo then just rename image same as Product name/barcode/internal reference/id and put it into one folder then make a zip file and import.
- For partner(customer/vendor) images, If you have a number of images and you want all images to import into Odoo then just rename image same as partner name/id/internal reference and put it into one folder then make a zip file and import.
- For employee images, If you have a number of images and you want all images to import into Odoo then just rename image same as employee name/id/Identification No. and put it into one folder then make a zip file and import.
First, Tick 'Import Images From Zip File' group.

Import images from zip file menu in sale.

Success message after import done.

Below product images are imported.

Success message after import done.

Below partner images are imported.

Import employee images from zip file options.

Below employee images are imported.


- User Setting: Just tick right 'Import Attendance'.
- Easy to import attendance from CSV files.
- Easy to import attendance from Excel sheet.
- Import attendance based on Employee ID.
- Easy to import custom fields.
- Easy to import custom fields from CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import Text, Integer, Float, Character, Boolean, Selection, Many2one, Many2many custom fields.
- Import attendance based on Employee Badge.
- Easy to download the exact formate of CSV or Excel files.
User Setting: Just tick right 'Import Attendance'.

In Attendance, there is a menu for 'Import Attendance'.

After click that menu this wizard will popup and select import file type(CSV/Excel File), select attendance import type(Employee ID/Badge) and after that upload file and click 'Apply'.

After click 'Apply' this success message will show with the total imported record.

Import custom character field 'Information'.

Your CSV/Excel file must match like below and You can add custom fields column after the 'Check Out Date & Time' column as shown in the below image.

Your CSV/Excel file format looks like below.


- Easy to import users from CSV or Excel files.
- You can import large records of users in Odoo from CSV or Excel files.
- You can import users with a group name or ID.
- Easy to import custom fields.
- Easy to import custom fields from CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import Text, Integer, Float, Character, Boolean, Selection, Many2one, Many2many custom fields.
You need to tick the 'Import Users' group to import the users.

'Import Users' menu in the Users & Companies.

When you click the 'Import Users' menu, the wizard will open and it looks like below.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records.

The following users are imported.

User imported with extra rights.

After successfully import, the user can log in with id and password given in sheet, if you try with wrong details then comes alert.

The login screen looks like below.

You can import users with a group name or ID, If you give name then you have to follow the format 'module category name/group name'.

Custom fields format.


- User Setting: Enable group 'Import Journal Items'.
- Easy to import journal items from CSV or Excel files.
- Import journal items in a single click.
- Easy to import custom fields.
- Easy to import custom fields from CSV or Excel.
- Easy to Easy to import Text, Integer, Float, Character, Boolean, Selection, Many2one, Many2many custom fields.
- Easy to import customer by Name, Reference, Id.
Enable group 'Import Journal Items'.

As you can see the button 'Import Journal Item' in Journal Items form view.

After clicking the button 'Import Journal Items' one wizard will popup. Select a file type (CSV or Excel) and upload the file.

As you can see the whole imported journal items in line at journal entries.

CSV/Excel file formate must be like this.

Custom fields format.


- Easy to import
- Import csv or excel
- Import image by path/url
- Custom fields added.
First you need to tick "Import Customers/Suppliers" groups in order to import customers/suppliers.

"Import Customers/Suppliers" menu in Orders.

When you click "Import Customers/Suppliers" menu, wizard will open and it's looks like below.

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records and also provides list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

following fields are imported.

Your CSV file format must match like below.

Your Excel file format must match like below.

The "Tax ID" & "Tags" custom fields are imported.

Your CSV file must match like below and You can add custom fields column after the last column as shown in the below image.

Your Excel file format looks like below.

You can choose the customers/suppliers method, if you want to create new customers/vendors then choose "create customer/vendor" & if you want to update customers/suppliers then choose "create or update customer/vendor", You can update customers/suppliers by(name, email, phone, mobile).


- Import products/product templates from CSV or Excel.
- You can import multiple barcodes for single products and product variants.
- Import product by Name, Barcode, Internal Reference.
- Import product image by path/URL. (Local URL means URL of your odoo server files location, please note it is not your odoo user local system path.)
- Easy to import products with stock on-hand quantity.
- Easy to import custom fields from CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import Text, Integer, Float, Character, Boolean, Selection, Many2one, Many2many custom fields.
- This module is compatible with Odoo's Multi-Company Feature.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Product Template' group to import product template.

'Import Products' menu in products.

When you click the 'Import Products' button, the wizard will open that looks like below.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records and also provides a list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

The following fields are imported.

Your csv file must match like below.

Product template import with many2many & custom selection fields.

Your CSV file must match like below.


- You can create or update product variants by barcode, name & internal reference.
- You can identify the same name product/product variant by "Unique Identification" fields.
- Easy to import Product Variant (image, price, quantity, stock, etc) from CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import custom fields with product variants.
- You can import product images by image URL or local image path. (Local URL means URL of your odoo server files location, please note it is not your odoo user local system path.)
- Easy to import products with stock on-hand quantity.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Product Variants' group to import product Variant.

'Import Product Variants' menu.

After that one wizard open here you can import products with product variants From CSV/Excel.

You can create or update product variants by barcode, name & internal
Please tick this option during import to create record auto for many2many.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records.

The following product template fields are imported.

We see the imported product 'Collar T-Shirt' fields.

Product variants.

The 'Sales' tab in the product 'Collar T-Shirt'.

The 'Purchase' tab in the product 'Collar T-Shirt'.

Product variant imported succesfully.

Product variant details with on hand qty.

You can see the product variant field which is imported.

Your CSV/Excel file format must match like below.
In the 'Can be sold & purchased?' take true by default if not provided.
In the 'Product type' take consumable by default if not provided.
Take the same name as ERP in the 'UOM'.

Taxes are separated by comma(,).
Enter the same text of selection field the same as ERP in the 'Invoice policy'
otherwise by default it takes ordered quantities.

You can import any number of custom fields. All custom fields must exist on the product.product model.

You can import any number of custom fields. All custom fields must exist on the product.product model.

Schedule Import Flow


- Easy to import
- import csv or excel
- import product image by path/url
- import/update product images by Name, Barcode, Internal Reference
- Support both "Product Variants" and "Product Template" models
First you need to tick 'Import Product Image' group in order to import product Image.

'Import Product Image' menu in Products..

When you click "Import Product Image" menu, wizard will open and it's looks like below.

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records and also provides list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

Following Images are imported.

Your CSV file format must match like below.


- You can import unit price based on sheet.
- You can import unit price based on pricelist.
- Easy to import sale orders.
- Import from csv or excel.
- Add product by Name, Barcode, Internal Reference.
- Auto Confirm Sale option.
- Create customer if never exist option.
- Quotation/Order Number auto/as per sheet option.
- Import customer by Name, Reference, Id.
First you need to tick "Import Sale Order" group in order to import sale order

'Import Sale Order' menu in orders.

When you click 'Import Sale Order' menu, wizard will open that looks like below

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records and also provides list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

Following fields are imported.

CSV/XLS file format must match like below.


- You can import unit price based on sheet.
- You can import unit price based on pricelist.
- Easy to import product by Name, Barcode, Internal Reference.
- Easy to import custom fields from CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import Text, Integer, Float, Character, Boolean, Selection, Many2one, Many2many custom fields.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Sale Order Lines' group to import the sale order lines.

'Import Sale Order Lines' button in the sale order form view.

When you click the 'Import Sale Order Lines' menu, the wizard will open and it looks like below.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records and also provides a list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

The following sale order lines are imported.

Your CSV file format must match like below.

Your Excel file format must match like below.

Sale order line import from CSV sheets with many2many fields.

Your CSV file must match like below and add custom fields after the last column.

Your Excel file must match like below and add custom fields after the last column.


- Import stock inventory by product Name, Barcode &Internal Reference.
- Import Lot/Serial Number and also create new Lot/Serial Number if never exist.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Inventory With Lot/Serial Number' group to import stock inventory with lot/serial number.

'Import Inventory With Lot/Serial Number' menu in operations.

When you click the 'Import Inventory With Lot/Serial Number' menu, the wizard will open that looks like below.

Success message looks like below it hows successfully imported records and also provides a list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

New lot/Serial Number created if never exist.

Your CSV file format must match like below.

Your Excel file format must match like below.


- Easy to import product by Name, Barcode, Internal Reference.
- Easy to import custom fields from CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import Text, Integer, Float, Character, Boolean, Selection, Many2one, Many2many custom fields.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Reordering Rules' group to import the reordering rules.

'Import Reordering Rules' menu in the master data.

When you click the 'Import Reordering Rules' menu, the wizard will open and it looks like below.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records and also provides a list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

The following fields are imported.

Your CSV file format must match like below.


- You can import unit price based on sheet.
- You can import unit price based on pricelist.
- Easy to import
- Import csv or excel
- Import product by Name, Barcode, Internal Reference
- Auto Confirm Order option
- Create vendor if never exist option
- Reference Number auto/as per sheet option
- Easy to import vendor by Name, Reference, Id.
First you need to tick 'Import purchase Order' group in order to import purchase order

'Import Purchase Order' menu in purchase

When you click "Import Purchase Order" menu, wizard will open that looks like below

Following fields are imported.

CSV/XLS file format must match like below.


- You can import unit price based on sheet.
- You can import unit price based on pricelist.
- Easy to import custom fields.
- Easy to import custom fields from CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import Text, Integer, Float, Character, Boolean, Selection, Many2one, Many2many custom fields.
- Import CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import product by Name, Barcode, Internal Reference.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Purchase order lines' group to import the Purchase order lines.

'Import Purchase Order Lines' button in RFQ/Purchase order form view.

When you click the 'Import Purchase Order Lines' menu, the wizard will open and it looks like below.

The following purchase order lines are imported.

Purchase order line import from CSV/XLS sheets with many2many.

Your CSV file must match like below and add custom fields after the last column.

Schedule Import Flow


- You can import vendor details using schedule import.
- Easy to import records manually or usign cron.
- You can set default values for import records.
- Easy to import product by Name, Barcode, Internal Reference.
- Support both 'Product Variants' and 'Product Template' models.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Supplier Info' group to import the Import Supplier Info.

'Import Supplier Info' menu in the purchase.

When you click the 'Import Supplier Info' menu, the wizard will open and it looks like below.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records and also provides a list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

The following fields are imported.

Your CSV/ Excel file format must match like below.


- Easy to import.
- Import csv or excel.
- Import product by Name, Barcode, Internal Reference.
- Auto Validate invoice/bill option.
- Import Customer/Vendor Credit Notes.
- Import invoice/bill.
- Invoice/Bill Number auto/as per sheet option.
- Import partner by Name, Reference, Id.
First you need to tick 'Import Invoice' group in order to import Invoice

When you click 'Import Invoice' menu, wizard will open that looks like below

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records and also provides list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

Following fields are imported.

Your CSV file format must match like below.

Your Excel file format must match like below.


- Import invoice/bill lines.
- Import From CSV or Excel.
- Import product by Name, Barcode, Internal Reference.
- Import Customer/Vendor Credit Notes lines.
- Easy to import Text, Integer, Float, Character, Boolean, Selection, Many2one, Many2many custom fields.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Invoice/Bill/Credit note Lines' group to import invoice/bill/credit note lines.

'Import Invoice/Credit note Lines' button in customer invoice form view.

When you click the 'Import Invoice/Credit note Lines' button, the wizard will open that looks like below.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records and also provides a list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

The following invoice lines are imported.

You can also import customer credit note lines.

You can also import Vendor Bill lines.

You can also import vendor credit note lines.


- Easy to import.
- Import csv or excel.
- Import product by Name, Barcode, Internal Reference.
- Very well formated Excel and CSV files.
First you need to tick 'Import Bill of Materials' group in order to import Bill of Materials.

'Import Bill of Materials' menu in master data

When you click 'Import Bill of Materials' menu, wizard will open that looks like below

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records and also provides list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

Following fields are imported.

Your CSV file format must match like below.


- Easy to import.
- Import CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import different modes of the project task.
- Easy to import custom fields.
- Easy to import custom fields from CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import Text, Integer, Float, Character, Boolean, Selection, Many2one, Many2many custom fields.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Project Task' group to import the project task.

'Import Project Task' menu in the projects.

When you click the 'Import Task' menu, the wizard will open and it looks like below.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records and also provides a list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

Project and user wise import wizard.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records and also provides a list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

The following task is imported.

Default import CSV/Excel file format looks like below.


- Easy to import.
- Import CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import custom fields.
- Easy to import custom fields from CSV or Excel.
- Easy to import Text, Integer, Float, Character, Boolean, Selection, Many2one, Many2many custom fields.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Lead' group to import the lead.

'Import leads' menu in the leads.

When you click the 'Import Leads' menu, the wizard will open and it looks like below.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records and also provides a list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

The following Leads are imported.


- Multiple import options by ID, Identification No, Name.
- Import csv or excel
- Easy to select url or local system path (Local URL means URL of your odoo server files location, please note it is not your odoo user local system path.)
- Very useful for mass records.
First you need to tick 'Import Employee Image' group in order to import employee Image.

'Import Employee Image' menu in configuration.

When you click 'Import Employee Image' menu, wizard will open and it's looks like below.

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records and also provides list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

Following Images are imported.

Your CSV file format must match like below.

Your Excel file format must match like below.


- Easy to import
- Import csv or excel
- Custom fields added.
First, you need to tick the 'Import Employee Timesheet' group to import the timesheet.

'Import Timesheet' menu in the timesheet.

When you click the 'Import Timesheet' menu, the wizard will open and it looks like below.

Success message looks like below it shows successfully imported records and also provides a list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

The following Timesheets are imported.

Your CSV file format must match like below.

Your Excel file format must match like below.

Import custom field with many2many fields.

Your Excel file must match like below and You can add custom fields column after the last column as shown in the below image.

Your CSV file format looks like below.


- Easy to import CSV or Excel.
- Import internal transfer by product Name, Barcode, Internal Reference.
First you need to tick 'Import Internal Transfer' group in order to import internal transfer

'Import Internal Transfer' menu in Operations.

When you click 'Import Internal Transfer' menu, wizard will open that looks like below.

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records and also provides list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

Tree view of teh internal transfer.

Following fields are imported.

Your CSV file format must match like below.

Your Excel file format must match like below.


- Multiple import options by ID, Internal Reference, Name.
- Import csv or excel
- Easy to select url or local system path (Local URL means URL of your odoo server files location, please note it is not your odoo user local system path.)
- Very useful for mass records
First you need to tick 'Import Customer Image' group in order to import customer Image.

'Import Customer Image' menu in Orders

When you click 'Import Customer Image' menu, wizard will open and it's looks like below.

Success message looks like below it's shows successfully imported records and also provides list of unimported records with row number in sheet and relative details of data invalidation.

Following Images are imported.

Your CSV file format must match like below.

Your Excel file format must match like below.

Add currency field in the XLS/CSV file.

Purchase order form view with imported currency.

Go to the inventory configuration and tick 'Multi -step routes'.

Add location field in the XLS/CSV file.

Click on 'Import Reordering Rules' from the Product menu.
Fill details in the wizard and click on 'Apply'.

Success message after import done.

Here, you can see the imported reordering rules.

Version 18.0.1 | Released on : 4th October 2024
- Yes, this app works perfectly with Odoo Enterprise (Odoo.sh & On-Premise) as well as Community.
- No, this application is not compatible with odoo.com(odoo saas/Odoo Online).
- Please Contact Us at [email protected] to request customization.
- Yes, you will get free update for lifetime.
- No, you don't need to install addition libraries.
- For version 12 or upper, you will need to purchase the module for each version that you want to use.
- Yes, we provide free support for 100 days.
- No, We do not provide any kind of exchange.