Do you have lots of products and variants? Feeling difficulty to filter/search and choose specific products in Sale, Purchase, Inventory, Invoice, BOM? So here we come with a solution, Our module will help you to filter products with fully customized your favorite products fields and variant attributes. Our module will save your time and efforts for the selection of products based on different criteria. We have provided the configuration of product fields and attributes. You can easily customize it as you required. After configurations of your favorites fields and attributes, you will be able to add products on basis of that customized fields and attributes criteria or patterns.
Powerful configurations of fields and attributes.
Supported configurable field types: Char, Integer, Float, Boolean, Many to one, Selection.
Product Template and Product Variant Supported.
Smart filtering with =,!=, <=,>=, like, I like,=like, not like, not like.
Easy to filter and add products in Sale, Purchase, Inventory, Invoice, BOM.
Options that allow the person to select which product they would like to add in sale, purchase, inventory, invoice, BOM.
Search and Select Products in Sale, Purchase, Inventory, Invoice, BOM.
Launched new functions for select specific products from search results.
Easy to select specific products or all products from search results.
Easy to add qty in all products or specific products.
- Initial Release.
Powerful configurations of fields and attributes.
Supported configurable field types : Char, Integer, Float, Boolean, Many2one, Selection.
Product Template and Product Variant Supported.
Smart filtering with =,!=,,<=,>=,like,ilike,=like,not like,not ilike.
Easy to filter and add products in quotation or sale order.
Options that allow sale person to select which product they would like to add in sale order.
In settings, Select product fields and attributes that you want to search

You can select product template and product fields as you want.

'Select Products Advance' button in Quotation/Sale Order Form View.

When you click 'Select Products Advance' button, wizard will open that looks like below. Wizard contains all the fields and attribute that you selected in settings, related comparison operators and Filter button, Reset button.

When you click 'Select List' or 'Select Specific' button in wizard, All the products and it's qty automatic add in sale order line from List or Specific tab of wizard.

Powerful configurations of fields and attributes.
Supported configurable field types : Char, Integer, Float, Boolean, Many2one, Selection.
Product Template and Product Variant Supported.
Smart filtering with =,!=,,<=,>=,like,ilike,=like,not like,not ilike.
Easy to filter and add products in RFQ or purchase order.
Options that allow purchase person to select which product they would like to add in purchase order.
In Search Products Settings, Select product fields and attributes that you want to search

You can select product template and product fields as you want.

'Select Products Advance' button in RFQ/Purchase Order Form View.

When you click 'Select Products Advance' button, wizard will open that looks like below. Wizard contains all the fields and attribute that you selected in settings, related comparison operators and Filter button, Reset button.

When you click 'Select List' or 'Select Specific' button in wizard, All the products and it's qty automatic add in purchase order line from List or Specific tab of wizard.

Powerful configurations of fields and attributes.
Supported configurable field types : Char, Integer, Float, Boolean, Many2one, Selection.
Product Template and Product Variant Supported.
Smart filtering with =,!=,,<=,>=,like,ilike,=like,not like,not ilike.
Easy to filter and add products in stock operations.
Options that allow warehouse person to select which product they would like to add in stock operations.
Search and Select Products in Incoming Order, Delivery Order, Internal Transfer
In Search Products Settings, Select product fields and attributes that you want to search

You can select product template and product fields as you want.

Select Products Advance' button in Receipts Form View.

When you click 'Select Products Advance' button, wizard will open that looks like below. Wizard contains all the fields and attribute that you selected in settings, related comparison operators and Filter button, Reset button.

When you click 'Select List' or 'Select Specific' button in wizard, All the products and it's qty automatic add in Operation lines from List or Specific tab of wizard.

You can also search and select products in Internal Transfer

You can also search and select products in Delivery Order

Powerful configurations of fields and attributes.
Supported configurable field types : Char, Integer, Float, Boolean, Many2one, Selection.
Product Template and Product Variant Supported.
Smart filtering with =,!=,,<=,>=,like,ilike,=like,not like,not ilike.
Easy to filter and add products in Invoice, Bill, Customer Credit Note and Vendor Credit Note.
Options that allow account person to select which product they would like to add in invoice.
In Search Products Settings, Select product fields and attributes that you want to search

You can select product template and product fields as you want.

'Select Products Advance' button in invoice Form View.

When you click 'Select Products Advance' button, wizard will open that looks like below. Wizard contains all the fields and attribute that you selected in settings, related comparison operators and Filter button, Reset button.

When you click 'Select List' or 'Select Specific' button in wizard, All the products and it's qty automatic add in invoice line from List or Specific tab of wizard.

You can also search and select products in customer credit note

You can also search and select products in vendor bill

You can also search and select products in vendor credit note

Powerful configurations of fields and attributes.
Supported configurable field types : Char, Integer, Float, Boolean, Many2one, Selection.
Product Template and Product Variant Supported.
Smart filtering with =,!=,,<=,>=,like,ilike,=like,not like,not ilike.
Easy to filter and add products in bill of materials.
Options that allow Manufacturing person to select which product they would like to add in Bill Of Materials.
In Search Products Settings, Select product fields and attributes that you want to search

You can select product template and product fields as you want.

'Select Products Advance' button in Bill Of Materials Form View.

When you click 'Select Products Advance' button, wizard will open that looks like below. Wizard contains all the fields and attribute that you selected in settings, related comparison operators and Filter button, Reset button.

When you click 'Select List' or 'Select Specific' button in wizard, All the products and it's qty automatic add in bom line from List or Specific tab of wizard.

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