Do you want to manage your fiscal year based on the financial rule of your country? A fiscal year system created for those countries where opening/closing entries are different or government accounting purposes are not the same as a calendar year. This module helps to manage fiscal years, You can generate opening or closing entries for the fiscal year. You can create your own fiscal year or you can generate a monthly or three month period for the fiscal year. You can close a fiscal year, cancel closing entries, or can close a particular period. Here income account, expense account default created for centralization & journal created with default debit and credit accounts. You can group by entries based on the fiscal year or period. Hurray!
You can restrict record creation for the closed fiscal period and closed fiscal year.New
Enable approval for fiscal year closing and fiscal year re-opening. New
Enable approval for fiscal year period closing and fiscal year period re-opening. New
You can manage the fiscal year based on your financial rule.
You can generate opening or closing entries for the fiscal year. It will generate single journal entry that effectively closes the previous year and opens the new one.
You can create your own fiscal year.
You can generate a monthly or three month period for the fiscal year.
You can close a fiscal year, cancel closing entries, or can close a particular period.
Income account & expense account default created for centralization.
Journal created with default debit and credit accounts.
You can group by entries based on the fiscal year or period.
No special configuration required just install it and cheers!
This module saves your important time.
It reduces human efforts.
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
- New "Fiscal Year" and "Period" field added in pivot view.
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
- Fixed Minor Bug Fixed.
- New Restrict Record Creation For Closed Fiscal Year & Period.
- New Enable Approval work Flow in Fiscal year and period.
- New Update fiscal year and periods on old records.
- Initial Release