This module useful to show bill/invoice/credit note/debit note/refund lines products using the filter & group by option. You can easily add custom filters/groups of bill/invoice/credit note/debit note/refund order lines. Easy to work with bill/invoice/credit nott/debit note/refund lines directly using the list view, form view, kanban view, search view, pivot view, graph view, calendar view.
Related Module
All in One Views Advance
You can view product with product image in form view, tree view & kanban view. New
You can easily filter and group by bill/invoice/credit note/debit note/refund order lines with the provided list.
You can see the bill/invoice/credit note/debit note/refund line by the list view, form view, kanban view, search view, pivot view, graph view, calendar view.
You can easily add custom filters/groups of bill/invoice/credit note/debit note/refund order lines.
No special configuration required, install it, use it.
This module saves your important time.
It reduces human efforts.
- New View Button Added In Order Lines To Open Form View
- New Product images added in form view, tree view & kanban view
- Initial Release
v 14.0.2
Invoice lines list view with product images.

Invoice lines kanban view with product images.

Invoice lines form view with product images.

Credit note lines list view with product images.

Credit note lines kanban view with product images.

Credit note lines form view with product images.

Bill lines list view with product images.

Bill lines kanban view with product images.

Bill lines form view with product images.

Refund lines list view with product images.

Refund lines kanban view with product images.

Refund lines form view with product images.

v 14.0.1
Bill Lines Views
Go to vendors in "Bill Lines".

You can group by records using any of the provided custom group by lists.

You can filter records using any of the provided custom filters lists.

Kanban view of "Bill Lines".

Pivot view of "Bill Lines".

Graph view of "Bill Lines".

Calendar view of "Bill Lines".

Invoice Lines Views
Go to customers in "Invoice Lines".

You can group by records using any of the provided custom group by lists.

You can filter records using any of the provided custom filters lists.

Kanban view of "Invoice Lines".

Pivot view of "Invoice Lines".

Graph view of "Invoice Lines".

Calendar view of "Invoice Lines".

Credit Note Lines Views
Go to customers in "Credit Notes Lines".

You can group by records using any of the provided custom group by lists.

You can filter records using any of the provided custom filters lists.

Kanban view of "Credit Notes Lines".

Pivot view of "Credit Notes Lines".

Graph view of "Credit Notes Lines".

Calendar view of "Credit Notes Lines".

Refund Lines Views
Go to customers in "Refund Lines".

You can filter records using any of the provided custom filters lists.

You can group by records using any of the provided custom group by lists.

Kanban view of "Refund Lines".

Pivot view of "Refund Lines".

Graph view of "Refund Lines".

Calendar view of "Refund Lines".

All Lines Views
Go to customers in "All Lines".

You can group by records using any of the provided custom group by lists.

You can filter records using any of the provided custom filters lists.

Kanban view of "All Lines".

Pivot view of "All Lines".

Graph view of "All Lines".

Calendar view of "All Lines".